The Beginning

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April 21st, 1961.

The day I, Jacob Perez, first came in to this world. There's not much to say because...I was a baby, and what could I remember? However, my Mother told me we lived in Baldwin, Louisiana in a shabby home with my Dad, Grandma, and herself.

That is...until Dad kicked us out when I turned 2 years old. Mom never said the reason why he put us out, and I never bothered to ask.

As my Mom got up to leave, in search of a place, my Grandmother tagged along, refusing to stay in a home with a man who wouldn't accept her daughter nor his child.

Mom said they weren't to fond of living down in Baldwin anyways on account of all the racial slurs being thrown at them by the white population. Grandma and my Mom traveled, trying to search for a place in the North, but they didn't have enough money to get up there; and we ended up living in Montgomery, Alabama.

The search took exactly 5 months and 10 days for us to find a residence to stay in. We had little money, and whenever she could, we would get a room in a hotel. Ma said finding a place to live at, at the moment wasn't much of her concern though. Because I was still 2 years old, she wanted to make sure I remained healthy, so majority of the money went in for me to just stay healthy.

If that wasn't love...then I don't know what is...


Monday, August 23rd, 1965:

My first day to attend school.

I was 4 years old, and to be only four, I was very curious about the life I was living. I attended Darren Primary School and there were only 2 classrooms and one medium-sized lunchroom.

Mom decided she would walk me to and from school since a bus didn't come down our road. But I see a bus go by everyday...but I won't question it.

We arrived there, and some kids stood there, clinging on to their parents, some were by this dirt patch rolling some marbles around, and others were just running around, playing.

And I noticed one thing about everyone...they were all black.

A boy who had two braids, and wore some black pants and a red shirt ran up to me and smiled. I gripped my Mom's hand tightly and she giggled, removing her hand from my grip.

"Hijo, go and get comfortable with the new kids."

She pushed my back and I came face to face with this boy. He smiled and said "Hi! I'm Rayan! What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Jacob. You not from 'round here...are you?"

I shook my head no and he nodded his head.

"I thought not. But anyways--"

"Rayan...", I asked, cutting him off from his sentence, "Why is everyone here the same?"

"Same what?"

"You know...same color?"

His eyes widened and he whispered, "You don't know why?"

I shook my head no and asked in a pretty scared tone, "I-Is that a bad thing?"

He looked around and I looked around with him. Everything was still going on as I said, except my Mom was talking to a tall lady who wore a dress with flower prints on it. Rayan grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him.

We ran behind the school, and there was a gate blocking off from this other building that looked extremely better than ours. I looked around the place and saw at least 3 yellow buses, and I saw only white kids over there.

"Jacob, we living in a world where we can't go to school with them."

He pointed to the white kids and I grumbled, "Why can't we go to school with them? They got better things. I mean...if that's there school, why our school look like this? Why they have buses that only transport white people?"

"That's just the way the white man wants it to work."

"What white man?"

"I don't know. Daddy always complaining, saying the white man taking over this country, and ain't no nigger going to get any freedom."

"What's nigger?"

Rayan turned to me wide eyed with his hands on his hips and said, "Where are you from?"

"Mama says Louisiana..."

"Well how you not know what's going on?"

"I guess because Mommy and Grandma never talk about it."

"They should. Your life is based on this."

"Based on what?"

He sighed and shook his head. "Nevermind Jacob. Just stick with me, maybe I could teach you something."

The bell rung after he said that statement, and then he dragged me towards the front and we got there to see our parents before they left. I hugged my Mom and gave her a quick kiss before catching up with Rayan to get in a line to enter the school building.

I didn't know it then...but Rayan was basically my life saver.

(A/N: Thanks @Princetons_Raybans for making that awesome cover!! ^_^ )

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