Chapter 2: So,we meet again?

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I walk up to Mikasa's back door and as I'm almost to knock I realize that she never locks it. I open the door and was greeted by crossed arms and stern faces.
"Uhh-hey hey guys!", I say like I wasn't two hours late go our sleepover.
"What the fuck, Eren?", Mikasa yelled
"Where were you?", Armin asked
"W-well I um got caught up in a situation", I stuttered.
"You were supposed to be here two hours ago!", Mikasa states putting her hands on her hips
"Okay MOM!", I said with a slight attitude.
Mikasa rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen.
"It's not that big of a deal...I mean really, we have a three week break guys!", Armin tried lighting up the mood
"True. What are we, 8?", Mikasa says realizing how dumb that argument was.
"Yeah I guess so", I said giggling a little
We all sat down, Mikasa, with snacks in her hand. I got up and put in 'Twilight'.
"Ha, such irony.", I mutter to myself
I sit on the couch with my friends and grab a Fanta, and a bag of chips.
When Armin finally realizes what movie we were watching he shouted out.
"TEAM JACOB!", he yells
"Umm. No. Team Edward.", I said crossing my arms
Mikasa apparently agreed with me, because she high-fived me hard as fuck.
**2 hours**

The movie had ended and Armin was putting in 'New Moon'.
"Wait for me. I gotta pee", I said running to the bathroom.
I open the door to the bathroom in Mikasa's room.
I felt around on the wall looking for the light. I turned it on and as I turned around I was greeted to Levi.
"JESUS FUCK!", I whisper shouted
"What a dirty mouth you have, indeed Eren", he says with a smirk pulling at his lips.
"How the hell did you get here?!" I question him still whisper shouting.
"I'll answer when you clean your mouth", he says crossing his arms and leaning on the wall.
"Fine. How did you get here, Levi?", I say emphasizing his name.
"I walked, I arrived and I climbed through the window.", he says with that same 'RBF' ((resting bitch face))
I roll my eyes and grab the bathroom doorknob, but Levi's hand stopped me.
"I was playing, Eren.", he let out a throaty chuckle
He just stood there, staring at me
"So?", I ask again
"Oh right. Um well. Mikasa's father was also a vampire she's my cousin, actually.", Levi explains
"Cousin?", I say back in disbelief
"Mmhm. We're not on good terms-no, actually we're not on any terms at all ever since my brother killed her dad, my uncle.", he says in a low monotone voice.
"W-why did he kill him?", I ask terrified of the answer.
"That was between Mikasa's dad and my brother", he says
"Oh. Alright.", I say quietly looking down
"Don't worry, kid. It's ancient history that everyone's forgotten about", Levi says
"So... why'd you freak out when I told she was my best friend?", I said crossing my arms smirking
"I was just surprised you knew her, that's all", he retorts
Silence creeps through the door and it was pretty awkward just standing there.

"Uh. Would you maybe, want to go somewhere, tomorrow?", Levi asks

That was Chapter 2! YOU GUYS IM BACK! IM SO SORRY FOR CRAWLING UNDER A ROCK AND SHUTTING OUT THE WORLD (lmao that's not really what happened) I lost my book with my fanfictions and I just found it. So I will be updating this story a lot!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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