Act 8: It only hurts when I'm breathing

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The bell announced the ending of the last lesson. Gaint collected his German textbook and his notes. Securing everything in his backpack, he put the bag around his shoulder. Together with the rest of the class, he left the room. The boy barely stepped a foot on the hallway when Lille appeared in front of him out of nowhere. She must have really hurried to get here in time.

"Hey!" she waved her hand to get his attention.

The boy nodded to signal that he saw it and went over to her.

"You're already here."

"I wanted to make sure that I won't miss you again," she explained.

"Okay, so what do you want to show me?"

"Just have some patience and follow me," she was very mysterious about the whole event.

Therefore, Gaint had no other choice but to follow her. Again, she grabbed his arm and pulled him with her. They left the crowded hallway and entered the staircase at the end of the floor. Most students and teachers used the main stairs in the centre of the building so that not many students were crossing their way. To his surprise, Lille didn't walk down but took the opposite direction upstairs.

"Where are we going?" asked Gaint again who wasn't comfortable being left unknowingly.

"Just wait a few more minutes. You won't regret it. I promise," she continued to drag the boy along with her.

The two entered the highest level of the building, but it seemed as if they weren't at their final destination yet. Lille continued to walk upstairs and, apparently, enjoyed the fact that she was in control while Gaint had no choice but to follow her willingly.

On top of the stairs, they had to face a steel door which, to the boy's surprise, was easily opened by the girl. The two teenagers walked though the unlocked door and entered the roof of the school. Except for them, nobody was up here. The wind slowly blew over the place and created a fresh feeling on the skin while the hot sun shone down on them.

"Come here!"

She guided the boy to the edge of the building and showed him the view over the city.

"Wow!" he was astonished.

From the roof of the school, they were able to look over the city surrounding them in a 360° view. The skyline of the historic city to the right collided with the iron and glass skyscrapers to their left. Gaint even thought that he was able to discover the mall he went to yesterday. The front of the glass skyscrapers reflected the sunshine of the afternoon sun and made them appear like giant sparkling ice pillars.

"I told you that you will be satisfied," Lille's voice was excited about the fact that she was here with him.

"It's really fantastic! How did you find this place?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"It was a coincidence. During my first year here, I was looking for my classroom with Sarah, my best friend, and we lost our way and discovered the door. We were just as impressed by the view as you are now. It's really beautiful, right?"

The young woman stood beside him near the breastwork and was unsure what she was supposed to do with her hands. She let them hang loosely down her body but, actually, wanted to hold the hand of the boy next to her. Yet she didn't dare to do so. On the other hand, Gaint recognized her hesitation and intention to hold his hand, making him feel uncomfortable. The intentions of the girl and his own were quite different.

"I don't need this right now," thought Gaint desperately. "I just have to figure out this thing with Rome and what there actually is between us. I wonder what happened to him this morning? Suddenly, he was so distant towards me. Though he said that he didn't mind that I was sleeping on his breast, it seemed as if he wasn't really happy about it. Why did I have to do that? Hopefully, I didn't anger him. But I really didn't wanna do it myself! It was a mistake!"

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