Act 4: The beating of a heart

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St. Stephan's School for Boys was located on the other side of the city. It took the boys almost an hour to go there. All the way, Gaint wasn't sure what the others would do as they were totally pissed. Sam turned into a wide lane, and Gaint was able to see a big building which was painted in bright colours on he right. Unlike their own school, the building looked really modern and artistic. The boy stopped the car with screeching tires at the parking lot and jumped out. The others followed his examples whereas Gaint was a little bit slow. He was unsure now where to go, but the rest of his friends seemed to know where to find the track and field team.

They all headed for the cinder track near the main building. The boys passed a few students, only males, on their way who didn't look too surprised to see the Congreve boys here. Some of them even took out their smartphones to take pictures of the boys rushing around. No one stopped them and so they arrived at the swimming hall. While Gaint who was here for the first time and had a hard time to orient himself looked around, the rest of the team went unerringly over the premises.

From far away, Gaint was already able to see the students running around on the lanes. One of them was wearing a blue and black jacket with short sport shorts of the same colour. He had a whistle on his lips and observed his team-mates on the lanes while facing the arriving crowd with his back and the stylish blond hairs.

As soon as Sam saw him on the side of the track, he stormed towards the unaware guy. Gaint, absolutely clueless, followed him.

"Hey, Melvin!" Sam screamed while still walking towards the boy.

Even though he was pretty far away, the boy turned around and recognized the intruder in the split of a second so that a little cheeky grin appeared around the corner of his mouth.

"Sam, such an unexpected surprise", way too obvious, "what can I do for my appreciated fellow sportsman?"

"You know exactly why we're here!" now facing him eye to eye while the other boys backed him up. "You guys totally ruined our athletic field with that trash of yours!"

Being totally angry, he came closer and closer to Melvin's face.

"Yeah, why did you do that?" asked Flo behind Sam.

His question made the St. Stephan's boy to look behind Sam, who was growing taller and taller in front of him, and to recognize the people in the back. The blue eyes of the boy slid from right to left. They only stopped at each boy for a few seconds until they reached Gaint, who was looking very nervously around and wishing to get away from here as soon as possible.

"Who's the cute next to Joe?" asked Melvin totally ignoring the other question.

"What?! What did he say to me?" Gaint looked him straight in the face in total disbelief and astonishment.

"Answer our question!" Sam ignoring the question.

"That's our new member, Gaint, he will kick your ass at the next competition.", answered Moritz instead of Sam.

Gaint, however, felt quite uncomfortable not only because of Moritz' statement about him kicking there asses, but also the fact that he slowly turned into the main topic of the bond boy's interest made him uneasy.

"Well," Melvin passed and ignoring Sam to reach out his hand. "Hey, I'm Melvin."

His blue eyes rested intensively on Gaint's face and had this expression of a fox seeing a wounded rabbit. This was way too much for Gaint, and he didn't know what to do or how to behave, so he just grabbed his hand in distress.

"I'm Gaint, nice to meet you to," his voice was quiet and shy, which caused a lovable smile on his opposite's face and irritated him way more. He felt the need to show him that he wasn't his friend. "Why did you spread that junk all over our field?"

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