Part 13

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While running away from the others Vanoss was telling me to get behind the big boxes." Here take this". Vanoss said and threw me and toy gun. We both started shooting at the guys. I got Nogla, Lui, and Blaze by the chest and leg and they slowed down. Vanoss got Moo and Ohm by the chest but they slowed down for a bit. Then there was terroriser, Wildcat, and Delirious. But once we shot them they got no affect by the toy bullets." Run Wolfie!" Vanoss said and we both ran away from the the boxes. I was fast enough to get away from the last three standing and they were close to get Vanoss. Soon I looked behind me and they got Vanoss on the ground and Wildcat had his foot on his back. But they only one trying to get me was Delirious. As I ran, I can hear him laughing like a maniac. But then I was stopped by a metal fence. I looked back and delirious was close to me. So I made a plan. I started to climb the fence all the way to the the top and sat there. Once Delirious got to the fence and looked up at me, he started to jump to grab my leg." C'MERE WOLFIE!" Delirious yelled." Nah man, I'm staying up here". I said grinning." We can play this the easy way or the hard way Wolfie". He said with a childish tone." I'm already winning Del". I said and I heard the others yelling at him to climb. So he started to climb and I was smiling and he looked confused." Why are you smiling, when your suppose to be running?!" He said and I smirked." Oh nothing, just for this". I said and he still looked confused. I start to do a hand stand and started to type rope walk on the fence. Everyone was looking at me in shock especially Delirious, Vanoss, and Blaze." Blaze do you know that Wolfie can do that?!" Wildcat said and Blaze shook his head no. Delirious try to type rope walk but he couldn't. So I stop type rope walking and jump over the fence and started to run again." Why you little-" Delirious said with angry tone." Delirious don't just sit there, get her!" Nogla yelled. Delirious jump over the fence and started running after me. Soon he was close to me but I wasn't thinking that he was going to get me. So I ran faster and he couldn't catch up." Why are you so DANG fast?" Delirious said." Just part of the wolf dna". I said back to him. Soon we got to the point that we went around the fence and back to the field." Ok guys you can stop running". Vanoss said as he gets up. We both stop running and fell on the ground out of breath." Nice job Wolfie". Delirious said panting and giving me a high five." Thanks". I said still panting on the ground." You two can be the most fastest runners in the group". Blaze said helping both of us up." Yeah I guess we are". Delirious said putting his arm around my shoulder." Yeah that's seem like a good idea". Terroriser said." Now let's get back to the hideout". Vanoss said and we all went back to the cars." Wow Wolfie, I can't believe you type rope walk on the fence". Vanoss said with a smile." Yeah, I self taught myself how to do that when Blaze isn't with me". I said." It took me two months to do that". I said." Well you did a good job out there". Vanoss said with a smile and putting his hand on mine." T-thanks" I said turning a lightly blushing.
Wolfie's thought:" He's touching my hand"." Is he trying to do something?"" What do I do?"

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