Happy New Year~

20 1 2

5 more minutes and then the fireworks light up the sky, the ball drops, and confetti blows

All the excitement is holding in, my hands are cletched tight

4 more minutes and I jump off the couch, there's time square

The crowds of people in New York City roar, and I jump

3 more minutes and Ariana Grande just finnished singing

I can't help but higher the volume, and sit on the floor, again

2 more minutes and my cell-phone is stayed put in my hands

I close my book, put it aside, and glare at my family

1 more minute, and here it comes, the count-down

Text messages from friends blow up the phone and I hear a ring

It's my mom, and as I put her on speaker, "Happy New Year!"

Daddy wakes up from sleep, and beams, "Happy New Year."

Woo-hoo, it was a great day indeed

Last semester, doing well got me to earn a free mcDonalds extra-value meal

I can't help but wonder why not subway, I mean it's healthier

However, it's new years, why not free food

And nom nom nom we go

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