Fight the devils.

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It's hard, I understand for you

Life is meant to be easy, it's more true

Sometimes, you hear a voice inside your head

That one, tries to lead you somewhere else instead

It sounds freaky, and as if it's manipulating you

But don't listen to it, it is trying to just boo!

When lost of confusion, create one better inside

It sounds better, cooler, simple and doesn't hide

Make clouds of colors pink, green, whatever you like, coloring

Sitting on top is everyone you love, smiling

It's a little hazy at first but you have you wait for it

Ah! There, you see a cake appearing, chocolate fudge, and strawberry

You're flying and now you see a dragon, is it hairy?

Beneathe the clouds is a garden filled with flowers

Tulips, roses, dandelions, sunflowers,  are swaying back and forth

You land on them and say, "I won't give up, this is a wonderful thing, to be in"

There's a river, with a waterfall, and the wind creates tides

A blue jay arries and with it's wings it rides

the mountains are all different sizes

there's no limit to how tall it is seen

You have the right to make it as tall as meant to be

ICollection of poems to comfort the soulWhere stories live. Discover now