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The branches are holding me

Keeping me alive, you see

I like it up here, astonishing view of everything

A little girl dashes here and there singing 

Everyday, storing a handful of seeds inside me

Peeking in and grinning with a sneaky smile

She has this bond with surroundings

Chirping back and forth with the birds

Those sweet, colorful candy of nerds

The bluejays arrive from there journey

spreading their wings and landing

Landing on the branches that hold me

I share them the seeds 

They're like a family that feeds

Feeds from what I give them

Sometimes, I feel something shake

What if an ambigous bird comes to take?

So, I keep my eyes wide open

Making sure that Jen comes every morning

The sunshine behind her, pouring

The green grass swaying

That, I hear the breeze of the wind

and smell the  mint of the fresh air of leaves

But neighbor, please don't litter paper on her backyard

For picking them up for Jen is hard

ICollection of poems to comfort the soulWhere stories live. Discover now