Servant #1: Celia-Part 1

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Servant #1: Celia

Part 1

I sit by the cups. Polishing. Polishing. Like every day before. From my spot by the window, I can see the mistress’ prized collection of knives. She’s a bit strange. She loves all things expensive and spectacular, even if that thing is a bejewled butchers knife. Then again,  I don’t really mind as long as she pays well.

I can see him now, my boyfriend Aaron. He is outside of the window, his black hair blowing gently in the breeze as he talks to a woman. Wait…what?

I lean closer to the window and glare out at the scene unfolding outside. She is wearing a pretty pink dress and is overall, a beautiful person. Yet the thing that really catches my eye is her gorgeous, long blonde hair. He seems to really be attracted to that aspect of her as he keeps lacing his fingers through her hair. His fingers are entwined in the woman’s, he lets out a laugh. Then, as I watch, he leans down and gives the woman a passonate kiss.

The fury within me boils as I stare at the two. Was Aaron really cheating on me with that girl? I wan’t to be angry. I want to be furious at him. But I just can’t bring myself to be. Surely she must be compelling him in some form. My eyes drifted to her hair again. It really was beautiful. So very beautiful.

Shaking off my worries I got back to work. If I don’t work, the mistress will get angry.

But Aaron is definitely still faithful to me. As he will always love me.

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