So.... Now What??

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Dave's POV

I hit a girl. Holy freak. I HIT a girl with my CAR. Why did I leave my apartment so late?? They had to cancel filming completely since I hit a girl! I left the room with the doctor after she blew up on her dad. I don't know what that was about but by how fiery her outburst was, I'm pretty sure that her fire has been building hotter and hotter. Speaking of hot, she looked amazing in a hospital gown. I wonder what she would look like in a ball gown.

What the??? Why am I thinking about her like this?!?! I hit her with my car!!! Oh brother..... Just then my phone range.

Speaking of brother.

"Hey." I answered.

"What's up little brother?? You still filming?" Did he seriously not know? Sighing I broke it to him slowly.

"Well ummm... We had to cancel it because of ummm..."

He cut me off "Cool. So where are you now? Ryan Reynolds wants me to invite you over to play video games. Even though I don't know why he would want to chill with you when he can chill with me!! Hahaha just kidding. Anyway, you up for it? I mean it could be fun. He has a really nice tv and..."

Now it was my turn to cut him off. "JAMES!!! I'm at the hospital!!"

"What?!? Are you okay?? What happened??" Opps. I probably should've told him in a different way.

"I'm fine. I accidentally hit a girl while she was running." There was silence on the other end.

Finally, James spoke. "Wow. Is she alright?"

"Yeah. She's awake and that's what the doctor was worried about. He said if she didn't wake up within a couple of hours, she could've lost her memory."

"You still there?"

"Yep." I sighed running a hand through my hair. I still couldn't believe what I had done.

"Good for you little bro. Don't worry about it Dave. It's okay. It was an accident. I'm sure she understands."

"She does, so does her mom but her dad...... Not so much."

"At least you've got her mom's sympathy." He joked.

"It's not funny James!"

"I know. I was just trying to make you feel better. Look, don't sweat it. He'll come around. They all will." With that we said goodbye and I tucked my phone into my pocket. I sat down on a chair with my head in my hands.

I lifted my head as I heard the door open. I made eye contact with her father. I immediately stood up.

He cleared his throat as he began "My wife and daughter seem to have forgiven you very quickly. For me, it won't be that easy." He paused looking me up and down. I decided not to say anything. My hands started to sweat.

"But my daughter has convinced me to go ahead and forgive you. I know you didn't mean to put my daughter in the hospital and I can tell, since you are still here, you feel bad about it. So what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry." My head shot up as he said those last two words. He saw my confused expression and continued, "I'm sorry for being so hard on you. I got overprotective over Sarah. I'm sorry." He extended his hand.

I shook it as I said, "I meant it when I said I would do anything to make it up to you, your wife and your daughter."

He laughed as he let go of my hand. "Don't worry about it. You've done enough by just staying here to make sure she is okay." I nodded as he walked back into his daughters' room. Wow. I slumped back into my chair. She has forgiven me, her mother didn't even hesitate to forgive me and now her father forgives me.

If everyone forgives me, why do I still feel as guilty as I do?

Got Ran Over By Dave FrancoWhere stories live. Discover now