The Interview

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Sarah's POV

I sat in the audience waiting for the show to start. I looked around at all the people in the audience and noticed they were all girls. My hands started to sweat as the lights dimmed and music played.

Conan walked out as people cheered. "Welcome to the Tonight Show!" He yelled making the audience cheer louder.

"We have got a great night for you. Our main guest for tonight is the rising star. The actor, Mr. Dave Franco." The room erupted in a hurricane of screams and cheers making me jump.

"And here he is!!" The lights changed and the crowd got louder as Dave walked out. He waved to the crowd but sent a wink when he saw me. I looked at my hands to hide my red cheeks. When I looked up, I saw him holding in a laugh. I couldn't help but check him out in his suit and tie.

I sat and watched as Conan and Dave joked with each other. I suddenly felt guilty. He was born to be on camera. He meshed well with the interviewer and the crowd. I couldn't help but feel like I was holding him back. He is a super talented actor and this morning he said he'd rather be with me than be an actor. I can't let him give up his life for a nobody like me.

"Now, we've been hearing a lot about a certain car accident." The breathe caught in my throat.

Dave nervously laughed and wiped his hands on his pants.

"So? Tell us what happened. We are very interested in the story behind the accident." Conan pushed. Dave looked at me hesitantly. I nodded sending him a reassuring smile.

"Well I was.... It was actually my fault." My heart dropped. He was going to make it sound like it was all his fault.

"I was running late for set and wasn't paying attention. My director called me and I leaned down to pick it up and....." He didn't continue. Instead he looked at me guiltily.

"Tell me about the girl. Sarah Sanders?" He asked looking at some cards.

"Sarah Sanders was running and when I didn't pay attention to where I was going..... I hit her...." He said slowly.

"My question is why? Why was she running in the middle of the street?" My breathe caught in my throat. I looked at Dave to see him taken back by the question.

"Well, it was her neighborhood. And people go running all the time." He tried to reason.

"Yes but not in the middle of the road." Conan laughed.

"Well it was later in the evening so," Dave shrugged. He looked at me but I looked down at my hands.

"Well, we are glad you're okay. Now let's talk about this new movie!" Conan clapped his hands, changing the subject.

(A/N for the rest of the interview watch the video)


I walked around the set after the show, waiting for Dave. I gasped when I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Did you have fun?" He whispered in my ear. I just nodded. Dave turned me around and looked over my face. "What's wrong? Is it about what he said. I told you, I don't care what people say. It wasn't your fault." He brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I know that it's just..... I don't want to stop you from....."

"From what? Sarah what is going on?" He asked starting to get nervous.

"I don't want to hold you back! I feel like, since I'm not an actress, you have to act differently. I saw you, up on stage. You were a natural. But as soon as Conan brought up the accident..... I felt like because of me you can't keep going. Like I'm holding you back, keeping you from becoming more popular. I feel like, little by little, I am ruining your career."

I couldn't look at him. Truth is, I felt like we were just two people who shouldn't be together. Not that I don't like him. I do. A lot actually. It's just we are two different people from two different worlds.

"I don't care about popularity or my career. I care about you Sarah." He took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes desperately.

"Maybe you shouldn't care so much about me and focus more on your career." I took my hands out of his grip and started walking. As soon as I got into the hallway, I took off running towards the exit.

P.S. How much would you guys hate me if I said the book was almost over? I'm thinking two more chapters. Thoughts?

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