The sound of the metal wrench clanging against the floor echoed through his ears and he lost it amongst all the discarded books. He shouted and grunted as he tried to get free of Donovan's hold, squirming trying to break his grasp. He finally managed to break away and push himself back onto his feet, making a beeline for the exit.

    Donovan was faster. A lot faster. He managed to grab Stiles by the shoulders and slam him against the scaffolding where the workers had been earlier. Stiles shouted, firing his elbow back. The point of his elbow hit Donovan square in the jaw causing him to fall to the ground. Stiles quickly began to scale up the scaffolding—hearing Donovan's angered cry—doing anything he could to get away.

    Donovan jumped up and snatched Stiles' left leg. Stiles wrapped his arm around the bars as Donovan tried to pull him down.

    "Don't worry, Stiles. I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna eat your legs."

    Stiles was too panicked to register that Donovan's voice had become distorted. He glanced down and saw that his eyes were glazed over white. Wendigo. His panic deepened and he started thrashing, kicking out his legs and tried to climb. He was reaching upward when he saw a pin that holding up a platform that held a bunch of metal beams.

    An idea hit him.

    He stretched his body desperately trying to loop his fingers around the pin. Donovan continued to tug his body down. With one final push, he shoved his hand forward and the tips of his fingers hit the pin and he latched them through it.

    It took a few tugs, but finally, the pin came loose and Stiles' arm flew out of the way as several pieces of metal flew down in Donovan's direction. Stiles immediately heard the sound of flesh being ripped over the clatter of metal hitting the floor.

    Slowly—cautiously—he glanced down and saw that one of the metal beams had gone right through Donovan's chest.

    Blood was spurting out of Donovan's mouth as Stiles climbed down off the scaffolding and approached him. Stiles wrapped his hands around the piece of metal, ready to pull it out but Donovan wheezed before his head fell back. It was then that Stiles knew he was dead.

    Donovan was dead.

    Stiles killed Donovan.   

○ ○ ○

Carter had left the hospital in a frenzy when she felt Stiles' injury appear on her shoulder. She remembered crying out and hearing Scott ask her what was wrong, but everything after that was extremely fuzzy. She vaguely recalled calling him several times and before she knew it, she was in her car driving to the school because Malia had left Stiles at the library.

    Carter was in pure panic mode when she finally pulled into the school parking lot. Throwing her car in park, she got out—not even bothering to close the door—and ran into the library. She shook the doors in frustration, wondering why in hell they were locked. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the card reader and pulled her school I.D. out and swiped it.


    Her voice echoed around the library. She searched endlessly around the entire library, but found nothing. There was no sign of Stiles anywhere. She looked everywhere at least three times before she shouted in exasperation and headed toward the exit. The smell of iron suddenly invaded her senses when she walked past the scaffolding. Blood.

    She shook her head and decided that it was nothing. She couldn't stay there wondering where the blood came from because she needed to find Stiles. She didn't know what was going on but she didn't like the feeling that was pulsing through her chest. Something was really off. Something was wrong with Stiles and she needed to know what.

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