A knock on the door confirmed my thoughts.

I stood up, putting on a gentle smile as my mother-in-law stepped in, "Eomma, I'm sorry you had to change your appointment with me-"

She waved her hand around, "Forget it, I had to go get something anyways."

She was one of the people I was thankful for, she's one of the first few who allowed Kim Tan and I to be together despite forbidding it at first.

I sat down, "I'll get the nurse to prepare the clothes for you to change into for your full-body check up." I picked up the phone when she stopped me.

"That can wait." She said.

I gave her a confused look as I placed the phone back down.

"How have you and Kim Tan been?" She asked concernedly.

I bit my lip before painting a fake smile across my face once again, "He's been fine, good actually."

She sighed in relief, "I thought something happened between the two of you..."

"Ne?" My brows joined together.

"Ani, if nothing happened, why am I not a grandmother yet?" She said, leaning closer towards me. "Is our Kim Tan not..." She lowered her voice, "Fertile?"

Here we go again... I sighed internally.

She then went on about how Kim Tan is her only son and how I have to help continue their bloodline. Yet, at this point, I can't help but feel upset myself. I've raised this up with Kim Tan many times for the past few years but he has always been avoiding the topic.

"I should start asking your mother to help me make tonics for you, you need a healthy womb to have a baby, maybe that's why you're not pregnant yet." She affirmed her conclusion by herself, not once letting me interrupt on whether or not my womb is fine.

I gave up eventually and let her do as she wishes before sending her out for her check-up.

"I'll send it to your house, tell Kim Tan to drink it as well, arasseo? (Get it?)"

I nodded with pursed lips.


I arranged my shoes at the front door neatly before entering the living room which was empty.

I placed my stuff down and headed straight to the kitchen, feeling my limbs ache as I chopped up the ingredients for tonight's dinner.

I refused Kim Tan's idea of getting a maid in our house, unable to adapt to being served by others.

The words of his mother ran in my head, children.

I've been wanting one of my own after we've got married but the first year, Kim Tan said he just wanted us to spent time together.

The second year of our marriage, he said he wanted to stabilize the company's position in the market before we could have a child so he could have time to spent with us.

Last year, he said we weren't ready.

I haven't been able to ask him about it recently, I rarely see him.

I served the fried rice and side dishes onto the plates, ladling two bowls of soup after having set the table.

Surprisingly the front door had just clicked, indicating that Kim Tan was back.

I wiped my hands on the apron, preparing to greet my husband at the front door.

"You're back" I breathed a sigh of relief, happy that he came home early.

He loosened his tie, throwing his briefcase onto the couch.

"Dinner's ready." I said, following him to the room.

He did not reply but changed quickly, walking out to the dining table.

I hesitated to ask him questions when he started eating without me.

I picked up the spoon quietly, sending a spoonful of rice into my mouth.

He cleared his throat suddenly, causing me to look at him.

"How was work today?"

I felt butterflies in my stomach from his simple question, it made me feel like he cares.

Perhaps he was just too busy nowadays.

"It was fine," I smiled, "Oh, Eomma was here today."

His expression changed into a tired one, "What did she want?"

I placed the spoon down, looking at him, "She asked about us."

He raised his brows and pinched a piece of kimchi into his mouth, "What about us?" He said, as if we were perfectly fine.

I know we're not.

I know he knows we're not.

"She wanted to know why we weren't having children yet" I examined his face for any reaction.

He set the utensils back onto the table, making a soft clanking sound.

"I told you before, we're not ready."

I frowned, "You've said that before."

He let out a loud sigh, "I'm busy with my career and you're busy with yours, it'll be a bad timing to have a child now. I'll talk to Eomma, you just have play along-"

I cut him off, "No, don't." My voice came out soft, I could feel tears gather in my eyes again.


I stood up with my unfinished plate of food and placed it in the sink, "She was so excited to bring us tonic with my mother, you don't have to do anything. Just pretend to drink the tonic and make your mother happy." I said, turning on the tap to do the dishes.


Before he could ask another question, his phone rang in his pocket, "Yeobuseyo? Ah, Mr Park, it's been a long time since we've done business together." He walked out of the kitchen to our room.

I turned off the tap, using the back of my hands to stop the tears that were rolling down my face.

Why does it feel like he is being so distant right now?

He's not the Kim Tan I used to love.

The Kim Tan I fell in love with, he always cared for me. But why is it now, he seems to be pushing me away with the thought of having children.

What is happening to our love?

The Heirs (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now