Chapter 56: No More Talking

Start from the beginning

"Kidnapping me?" I asked as he turned with the path, the smell of the smoke from the chimney growing stronger.

"Yes sunshine, kidnapping you," he repeated. "Until someone comes for us, you are mine baby."

"I've always been your's Everette," I replied back.

His hand playfully squeezed my ass, drawing a squeal from me as I jumped while he just laughed as he walked into the cabin door. "True sunshine, very true," he said as he pulled me up and tossed me onto the bed as he kicked the door shut.

"You're absurd."

"No, I'm in love with you, there's a difference sunshine."

I sighed while my hands ran up his chest as he leaned towards me. "I love you to Ethan."

He held my gaze in his, blue-green eyes softening as his thumb rubbed against the edge of my jaw before he pulled me to him, kissing sweetly and pushing me back against the mattress. I sighed into his kiss, my limbs feeling like a bond of sappy mush as he slowly undressed me and kissed at my bare skin like it was the most precious thing in the words to him.

We spent the rest of the morning in our cabin, in our haven of safe space. The headaches died down, and luckily, we had to chew less of the leaves. At one point, we decided to shift into our fur and go for a run. A run that was more or less and clumsy climb. Either way, it didn't matter; my wolf was giddy the whole time, on a level of happiness all on her own. She missed her male. She missed the way he smelled and the way it felt to run with him. She missed the way he would playfully nip at her legs as she ran and the way he would nuzzle our neck and coat us with his scent.

She had missed him. I had missed him.

We love him. Our other half. It's amazing to think you don't know what you're missing until it's gone. We had no idea what we were missing until he was gone. We were missing a rainbow of colors–the joy of life that is in the little glances his blue-green eyes would steel of me.

After we ran, Ethan was dead set on making a picnic. In the pain in the ass bath. I just laid back and watched. I had told him it was a pain, but the man was set on it.

Like me, halfway through he scratched his head and told me that, 'This is an ass beating sunshine.' Idiot, but my idiot.

We were picking at the brownies I had made the night before, drinking some coffee as we soaked. Ethan had gone outside and split a long piece of wood so we could lay it across the tub and have a makeshift tray to hold our brownies and coffee.

He was leaning back against me while one of his hands was caressing the skin on the outside of my knee as the other hand tossed a bite brownie into his mouth. My eyes were half closed while my fingers were combing through his hair that I was determined to have him grow out.

"What was it like?"

"What was what like?"

"The other side," he asked quietly.

I let out a long sigh and shook my head. "It's like Lucas said before, it's like a dream. I remember parts of it but other parts seem fuzzy."

"What part's do you remember?"

He leaned back and turned his head to look at me while I chewed on my lip. The memories more fuzzy than I would have liked them to be. "Eli. His mate's name is Grace and she's supposed to have their child soon.

"I remember Caleb. I remember Caleb smoking his cigar in my parent's house while your mother made a pie. I remember her pies. They were damn good."

"She made the best pies," he murmured in agreement.

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