Chapter 24

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Haley drove as fast as she could, breaking about fifty traffic laws along the way she finally reached Las Vegas Medical, Opie didn't give her details over the phone but was just instructor to get to the hospital as fast as she could

When she reached the emergency department her eyes scanned for Opie who was in the corner with his head in his hands, the rest of the club surrounding him, Chibs nudged his elbow. His head rose up and saw Haley he stood up as she ran to his arms and held him as he cried

"Opie what happened" Haley asked

"We got ambushed, Jax took the most bullets he wasn't wearing a vest" Opie cried Haley was trying to hard to hold her composure

"How bad is it?" Haley asked

"Bad Haley real bad. They couldn't find a pulse when the paramedics got there" Opie said Haley lost it, she was trying to cry but her whole world literally just came down

"I'm looking for the family of Jackson Teller" a voice said Haley whipped away her tears and turned around

"I'm his wife. This is his family" Haley said looking at the larger man who was wearing blue scrubs with blood evidence

"Jackson is in critical condition, he sustained about five bullets scattered through his torso and back, and three in his left leg. We were able to stop the bleeding for now and remove the bullets but hes not out of the clear yet" the doctor spoke

"What do you mean?" Haley asked running a hand through her hair

"One of the bullets nicked his spinal cord" the doctor said

"So he won't be able to walk?" Haley asked

"We don't know yet, we are focusing on keeping him alive right now. The spinal surgery will have to wait until he his stable enough" The doctor said

"When can I see him?" Haley asked

"In about an hour I will come get you when he's settled, unfortunately he will be in ICU and it is only immediate family allowed" the doctor said

"We understand, thank you for taking care of him" Chibs said

"Haley are you ok?" Opie asked resting his hand on her shoulder

"I'm trying to be Op, trying real fucking hard" Haley said as she broke down one more time


Haley quietly walked into the room she was shown, Jax was still unconscious and would be until the doctor's were able to bring him to the OR for his spinal surgery. Which could be days or weeks depending on Jax and his recovery

She sat down next to him in the chair they provided, she took his hand and brought it up to her face

"I'm not mad at you babe, I just dont understand why you weren't wearing a vest, especially being in that territory. I waited for you to come home tonight. I have some exciting news. I'm pregnant Jackson. You need to get better so we can do this together" Haley said crying into his limp hand


Five days. Five long days Haley has waited for them to determine when to bring Jax in for his spinal exploratory surgery. The world be opening him up to see the damage that was caused and if it is repairable, unfortunately the doctor's weren't hopeful that he would walk again, he wasn't responding to thier tests. Haley had to break the news to everyone. She had demanded that all of the patches return to Charming and she would take care of business in Nevada, but Opie insisted that he stayed behind to be with his sister. Gemma wasn't able to come as Maddox and Abel needed her, they had both been funky about being without they're parents or grandmother lately so Gemma bit the bullet and stayed home.

"Mrs. Teller" the doctor said walking into Jax's room that had been empty for the last ten hours she didn't realize it took that long to do exploratory surgery

"You have an update?" Haley asked standing up

"I do, the scan was wrong, the bullet did not Nick the spinal cord, but he's still going to have some trouble getting around for a few weeks" the doctor smiled

"Thank god, this is probably the best news I've heard in the last week" Haley cried

"I have some more news" the doctor said

"Oh god please tell me it's not bad news" Haley said covering her mouth

"Mr.Teller was moved to recovery about two hours ago, he's awake and asking for you" the doctor smiled

"Thank god, please tell me where I am going" Haley said as they walked down the hall

As soon as the doctor opened the door to the recovery room Jax attempted to sit up, but was told by the nurses to stay put, Haley ran to his arms and cried into his hospital gown

"Your okay" She kept repeating over and over

"I'm good babe" Jax cried with her

"Where are the kids?" Jax asked bringing her face to to his

"At home with your mom, Opie is the only one here, he's out getting me some dinner" Haley cried, she was so emotional with this pregnancy

"Babe, stop crying I'm fine" Jax smiled wiping the tears away. Jax knew she wasn't the type of person to be overly emotional

"I'm trying but I can't, I'm just super emotional" Haley cried some more

"Babe, are you?" Jax asked his eyes darting for her stomach and back up to her eyes

Haley couldn't say anything, she just nodded her head and smiled

"Oh god, Lee this makes me so happy" Jax said kissing her

"Really?" Haley asked

"So fucking Happy" Jax smiled

A while later Jax was moved to a more private room where he was allowed visitors

"Thanks for staying behind Op" Jax said shaking Opies hand

"Anything for you guys, besides Haley wouldn't leave your side and someone had to make sure she ate" Opie laughed

"She's a good old lady for sticking by her crippled old man" Jax laughed

"Not funny Jax" Haley said walking out of the bathroom, the hospital was nice enough to allow her a pair of scrubs since she didn't bring any clothing with her and she desperately needed to shower once Jax was brought back to his room

"Why didn't you have your vest on?" Haley asked Opie and Jax exchanged looks

"Because I gave mine to Opie, he forgot his at home" Jax spoke quietly knowing shit was about to hit the fan

"You could of died Jackson" Haley exclaimed

"And you would of killed him if something happened to me. It's a catch 22 Haley." Opie spoke

"Jackson you are my husband" Haley said

"And he's your brother, you saw what I went through when Thomas died I couldn't watch you go through that. The guilt I would hold on my shoulders" Jax said

Haley then realized that Jax was right, he knew what it felt like losing a sibling, he couldn't bear to see Haley mourn the death of her twin if it came down to it. He was protecting her even from hundreds of miles away

"You both will be the death of me someday" Haley said punching her brother lightly

"Face it sis, you couldn't live without either of us" Opie laughed pulling her into a hug. Knowing her brother was right.

Currently listening to Stuck like Glue by sugarland

Catch 22 {Jax Teller}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang