Chapter 10

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Jax felt the spot next to him still warm, he couldn't of been sleeping for long. When he looked at the clock he realized he had only been to sleep for only about twenty minutes, he saw the light peak out from the bathroom right outside of the bedroom he staggered towards the door and turned the handle when he opened the door he wasn't prepared for what he saw

The tub was almost over flowing onto the floor and Haley was just about under the water, the only thing above the water was Haley's small nose, he ran over the the tub and scooped her out and laid her on the floor taking his phone out of his sweatpants and dialing 911 as he checked for a pulse

"Babe don't you do this to me" he cried as he brought the phone up to his ear

After the dispatcher instructed him to perform CPR until the paramedics arrived he tried so hard to hold back tears but there was no avail,

"Come on Lee, just open your eyes please, don't leave me like this" Jax cried doing compressions on her small frame, he felt like he was breaking her.

"Mr. Teller, the paramedics are at the door please let them in" the dispatcher spoke

"Break the fucking door down I'm not leaving her" Jax said throwing the phone across the room

Jax had never felt so powerless as the paramedics took over, he stood there with his hands over his face crying hysterically

"Mr Teller we need to go, are you coming in the ambulance or your own transportation?" One of them asked

"I'm not leaving her" Jax said running back to the bedroom to grab a hoodie, his kutte and slid on his sneakers running out the door right behind the paramedics

Jax sat outside on the bench after he was forced outside to calm down as they worked on Haley to get her heart beating again, he made his round of phone calls to her brother and father Opie came first and sat with Jax

"Op, I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose her" Jax cried as Opie hugged him

"She's gonna be okay, she's a Winston" Opie said

"They said they don't know how long she was without oxygen, she may never wake up. Opie I'm scared" Jax admitted "i dont know if i can live without your sister" Jax cried harder

Opie hugged Jax tightly, even though Opie was hurting because his twin was laying in a hospital bed not even knowing if She was going to wake up or not. Jax needed him, Jax never dealt with death very well, the death of his brother Thomas wasn't easy on any of them, but because they were brothers Jax took it harder then anyone expected

"Mr Teller and Mr Winston, I'd like to speak in private" the doctor said motioning for them to go with him to a small room off the hallway

"We got the results back from Haley's CT scan, her brain is functioning a little less then we expected" the doctor spoke

"Is she going to wake up?" Opie asked as Jax held his head in his hands

"Yes, eventually, I can't tell you when but expect some confusion, she may have some memory loss, but we aren't really sure until she wakes up" the doctor spoke

"What did she take?" Jax asked

"From the tox screen it looks like she swallowed about fifteen sleeping pills, although upon our examination she also has multiple broken ribs and she looked malnourished" the doctor said looking at both men

"She was kidnapped and refused medical treatment" Opie said

"The police are going to want answers, it's our job to report it" the doctor said walking out of the small room as unser and Hale both walked in

"Boys, I know you already took care of it but we still need to question Haley when she wakes up. Because it was reported we have to give a paper trail" unser said as he sat down

"Okay, thanks unser" Opie said

"We will let her rest before that happens" Hale said

"Thanks" they both said

Jax and Opie sat by Haley's bedside once she was placed in a room

"Op, I feel this is all my fault" Jax said placing one of his hands on top of Haley's that was rested on her stomach

"Jax, don't think like that, something must of happened, she would of never tried to do this" Opie said placing his hand on her other hand

"She seemed fine, i dont get it Opie" Jax said

"I'm telling you man, my sister had some fucked up shit happen to her that she's not telling us" Opie said

"Maybe, I just want her to wake up, Opie that was the scariest thing I've ever experienced" Jax said looking at Haley

"I couldn't of done it brother, if you didn't stay with her last night who would of known if she would even be alive" Opie said

"Opie, I love your sister so much, I just wish she could see it" Jax said

"She does Jax, she knows trust me. We talk more then you know. She's trying to protect herself" Opie said

"I'm supposed to protect her Opie" Jax said

"Different kind of protection, she's protecting her heart, after everything with Tara and her leaving it screwed something up now that she's back and the whole Wendy thing, plus she's afraid Tara will show back up" Opie said

"Tara and i are old history. My heart has always belonged to Haley I just didn't realize that until I went to see her in Tucson" Jax said

"Jax, she knows about John's will, she's making sure this is the real deal. She loves you but she doesn't want to be hurt anymore" Opie said

"Brother im done hurting her, this right here. I can't lose her, never" Jax said standing up he placed a kiss on Haley's forehead

"Where is Abel going to fit in all of this Jax?" Opie asked

"Haley loves Abel, I'm not looking for a mother for Abel he has one but no matter what Abel and Haley are my main concern, thier safety is all that matters" Jax said

"You know she wants kids Jax" Opie said, Jax wasn't sure where Opie was going with all of this

"Then we will have more kids, Opie I'm not scared. If she wants ten kids then we will have them, i love her and no one is going to stop me" Jax said walking out of the door, needed to clear his head, he needed to see his son

Haley could hear beeping, and arguing, she didn't recognize the voices but she knew one of them, it was deep and raspy. She tried to open her eyes, she needed to put a face to the voice. She kept seeing someone with blonde hair and blue eyes in her mind, he kept mouthing I love you. She needed to find this person She didn't know where she was. The last thing she remembered was being inside of a van and hearing gunshots, she needed to wake up. She needed to see these people arguing around her, but thoughts clouded her mind once again

He won't want you when I'm through with you, you filthy whore

She kept hearing the same thing over and over, the blonde man in her mind kept walking away further and further. She needed to escape. She needed to wake up and see this mystery man, the one in her dreams that continuously kept telling her he loved her and needed her

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