Chapter 12

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"Mr. Teller, can I speak with you for a few moments?" A nurse asked stopping him before he walked into Abel's room

"Sure darlin' what's up" he asked turning around

"Mr Watson asked me to speak to you when i came in this morning, he's concerned about Haley Winston" she said

"Haley told me to leave last night, I pretty much got the hint she didnt want me there" Jax shrugged

"She's been asking for you. Every time she sleeps, we've had to give her a sedative because she freaks out when we tell her your not there" the nurse said "she needs you no matter what she told you, if she continues to lash out like that Dr Watson is going to have to refer her to a psychiatrist" the nurse said, Jax didnt even listen to what she had to say he ran down the hallway and pressed the elevator button

Jax was running down the hall when he heard Haley yell at the doctor's

"Where is he? I want Jax here now!" She yelled

"Ms. Winston he's not here" a nurse said

Jax opened the door he saw Haley thrashing around in the bed pushing the nurse away that was trying to administer a syringe into her iv

"Stop, I'm here" Jax said running over to her beside

"Lee, I'm here it's okay" Jax said climbing in bed with her and pulling her tight against his body as Haley instantly calmed down, her thrashing stopped and she stopped crying. Her breathing became labored and she fell asleep

"Mr Teller, thank you" she said walking out of the room

A few hours later Haley woke up, she looked at Jax who was sleeping beside her, as soon she he felt her move he woke up

"I'm sorry" she cried

"It's ok babe, your okay now" Jax said sitting up

"It's like every time i shut my eyes I see everything, I see them take me, and all's I can hear is them tell me your the only one that can save me" Haley cried

"It's okay, you'll get through this I promise, I'm not going anywhere" Jax said kissing her forehead

"I'm sorry I told you to leave. I'm sorry I tried to kill myself, I thought it was the only way" Haley cried into his shoulder

"Babe, your stronger then that. Your a Winston" Jax said running his hands through her hair

"What if I don't want to be a Winston anymore?" Haley asked

Jax pulled himself away from her "what did you just say?" He asked

"I don't want to be a Winston anymore, I want to be a Teller, I was born to be a Teller and I didn't know it. I want to be the proud wife you want me to be when you take over the gavel, I want to be the mother of all of your children" Haley smiled

Jax smiled "I love you Lee"

"I love you too Jax" Haley said as Jax crashed his lips to hers

Jax walked up to the steps of his new home, he was able to close on it within a few hours after putting in the offer. It was slightly larger then he wanted but after thinking about it he decided to go with it anyway, Haley was being released later in the day and Jax had alot of things he needed to take care of, ensuring he was only a phone call away if she needed him he still felt terrible for leaving her.

"Looks good brother" Opie said walking through the house

"Thanks Op, I hope Haley likes it" Jax smiled

"When's the wedding?" Opie laughed not knowing Jax had given her a ring

"We haven't discussed that yet" Jax smiled Opie spun himself around

"Wait, what? Are you serious" Opie asked

"Yeah man, it's not officially official but we're going for it" Jax smiled

"Thank god it's you" Opie chuckled

"Exactly brother. Could be worse, it was her idea, well I may have coaxed her with a ring but it was her idea" Jax said as Opie hugged him

"I knew it all along ever since we were kids" Opie said as Jax's phone began to ring he flipped his phone open knowing it was Haley

"Where are you?" She asked

"I'll be there in an hour babe" Jax said walking away from Opie

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Yes Lee, I promise I'll be there in an hour, I'm finishing up at the house now" Jax said

"Ok, just hurry" she said hanging up the phone

"Everything okay Jax?" Opie asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"Yeah Haley's just dealing with some shit and it's getting to her head" Jax said

"You gonna be okay with all that" Opie asked now voicing his concerns

"I'm dealing with it, hopefully once she's home we can get it under control" Jax said

"This is the true test man, hope your ready for it" Opie laughed as he walked out the door

Jax sat in the chair waiting for Haley to finish signing all of her discharge paperwork, he was itching to see Abel upstairs but they were running a few tests on his heart so he would have to go back later

Jax pulled into the driveway of his new house and turned the truck off

"This is it Lee, our home" Jax said as they both got out of the truck

"Jax, you didn't have to I would of found another place" Haley said

"I did it so we can be together, and Abel needs a stable home" Jax said taking her hand and walking up to the front door

"Jax I'm not crazy" Haley said stopping before he put the key in the lock

"Babe I know your not" Jax said as his brow creased

"I overheard a few nurses talking, saying I'm crazy and i belong in the loony bin" Haley said

"Lee, you had something traumatic happen to you. It happens to people, dont let them get to you" Jax said pulling her in for a hug

"I'm gonna try not to call you all the time and need you" Haley said

"Hey, don't do that don't shut me out. I love you Haley if I didn't I wouldn't of came in that room when I did" Jax said grabbing her face and kissing her

"Okay, thank you" she said as they walked in the house together

Haley flopped down on the bed, it was Jax's from his old house but she didnt care, Jax laid down beside her and pulled her on top of him

"Your beautiful" Jax smiled

"Even with my cuts and bruises?" She asked

"Yes babe" Jax said as she leaned down for a kiss

After a few minutes of kissing Jax flipped them over so he was hovering, he brought his hand down to the waist of her jeans and began unbuttoning them, he looked back up at Haley who began crying and trembling

"Babe what's wrong" Jax asked stopping and moved to sit next to her

"I'm sorry, I just can't. I thought I was ready Jax" Haley cried, Jax wasn't exactly sure what was going on

"Babe, we've done this a thousand times" Jax said tilting her chin to look at him

"That was before I became used pussy" Haley said getting off the bed and walking out of the bedroom

Jax now understand why, the bastards had raped her

Currently listening to One call away by Charlie Puth

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