Chapter 23

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Haley walked through the house trying to calm a now five month old Maddox, she had just gotten Abel to sleep a little under an hour ago. Hopefully he would stay down for the night, he had been pretty tuckered out as his first birthday party was earlier that day.

Nothing Haley was doing was calming her down, bouncing, rocking nothing. She was pretty positive it Maddox was teething but Haley wasn't exactly sure.

Jax walked out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes

"Babe I'm sorry if she woke you" Haley said

"No it's fine Lee don't worry about it" Jax said taking Maddy from Haley

"I just don't know what is wrong, she just won't stop" Haley said she watched Jax hold Maddy close to his chest and she calmed right down

"What the hell" Haley said

"She just wanted daddy, she did this the other day while you were out with my mom" Jax said swaying back and forth as Maddy slowly closed her eyes

"Atleast Abel likes me" Haley frowned

"Babe she loves you, she just needs daddy snuggles sometimes" Jax said as they walked back to the bedroom to put Maddy in her bassinet

"Saw a new shop opened on main St today" Haley said

"Yeah about that. It's run by Ethan Zobelle were not working with him babe" Jax said as they climbed into bed

"Figured, i didn't bother going in. What's the deal with him anyway" Haley asked

"He's working with Darby" Jax said

"Great" Haley said

"ATF showed up today they cornered Gemma at the store this morning pressing her for info" Jax said

"So I should be expecting a visit then?" Haley asked

"Most likely" Jax said as she snuggled up to him

"Fantastic, I'll make sure to not leave the house tomorrow" Haley laughed

"Good idea" Jax laughed, he really didn't want to tell her that ATF was in town but he knew she would be pissed if an agent came knocking on the door without being warned.


It was like clock work, as soon as Haley was able to lay both kids down for a nap the door bell rang, when she opened the door she stood face to face with a woman in a blue suit

"Haley Teller?" She asked

"Yup what do you want" Haley asked

"I'm June Stahl id like to ask you a few questions" Stahl said as Haley allowed her in the house, just like Jax instructed this morning

"What ki d of questions?" Haley asked sitting on the couch

"Your involvement with the MC?" Stahl asked

"My involvement? Your joking right? I was born into the MC, they are my family" Haley said

"You've never done any illegal work for them?" Stahl asked

"No" Haley snarked

"What does one in the MC do?" Stahl asked

"They ride motorcycles and work in the garage. It's an extra curricular activity, Agent" Haley said

"Seems you all have the same answer" Stahl said

"Because that is what they do" Haley said

"Are you sure about that? Your only an old lady Mrs. Teller" Stahl said looking around the living room

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