Chapter 11

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Jax walked back into Haley's room to see piney sitting with her Jax sat down in the spot he was sitting in before

"How's the boy?" Piney asked

"He's good, getting big. Doc says hopefully next week he can get out of the toaster" Jax smiled

"That's great news Jax, listen thanks for putting your house up for her, even though the deal didn't go through" Piney said adjusting his oxygen tube

"Piney I'd do anything for Haley you know that." Jax smiled looking at Haley

"Where are you going to live now? Are you gonna stay at Haley's?" Piney asked

"I'm not sure, the landlord texted her phone he wants her out, the water caused alot of damage and because the paramedics kicked the door down he doesn't want her to come back, I told him I'd have all her things out tomorrow" Jax said shrugging his shoulders

"Better figure it out son. You need a place for your boy and my little girl" piney said

"I know old man, I'm making some phone calls in the morning, I've got my eye on the house next to my mother's" Jax smiled

"Good choice son. Now that your here I'm gonna head out, are you staying all night or should I send a prospect over?" Piney asked getting out of the chair

"I'll be here send rat here in the morning" Jax said standing up to give piney a hug

"Your a good man Jax, Haley is lucky to have you" Piney said smacking him on the shoulder

"I think I'm the lucky one" Jax laughed sitting back down to get comfortable to go sleep, he rested his hand in hers and leaned his head back to get some sleep

Haley opened her eyes, she picked her head up and looked around seeing the tv was playing softly in the background, she looked over to her right and saw the figure she saw in her dreams, she looked down and noticed his fingers were laced with hers, she looked at the rings he wore on his fingers when she smoothed her thumb over one of them Jax jolted awake

"Lee, your awake" Jax said wiping the sleep from his face

"I am, I'm not sure what I'm doing in the hospital though" she asked sitting up a little more

"You don't remember?" He asked he knew he was to tread lightly

"I remember being in a van and hearing gunshots but that's really it" Haley said biting her lip

"You don't remember the bathroom?" Jax asked

Haley shook her head no "No, to be completely honest I don't really know who you are yet. I've seen you in my dreams telling me you love me, but that's it" Haley frowned

Jax shook his head slowly "your memory will come back in time, is there anything else you remember" Jax asked so bad wanting to touch her

"My brother, I have a brother and he was here. And so was my dad. And I think I know a baby his name is Abel" Haley piped up

"Yes your brother and dad were here, and I have a son Abel he's in the incubator still. That's better then I expected" Jax smiled reaching for her hand surprisingly she took it

"I'm sorry I don't remember you though, are we married?" Haley asked Jax chuckled a little

"Lee, I'd do anything to be married to you, but no we aren't. We're best friends who can't figure out if we want to be together. We love eachother very much but we're both struggling with some demons" Jax said

"So we want to be together?" Haley asked

"I want to be with you, you are stuck on that issue" Jax said

"Can you kiss me? Maybe it will jog my memory a little?" Haley asked biting her lip

Jax smirked, its like she knew what she was doing. He stood up and sat on the edge of her bed he leaned down and cupped her face with his hands, Jax leaned down and placed his lips on Haley's softly, Haley eagerly wanted more. As soon as she opened her mouth to let him in everything came flooding back to her.

Swallowing all the pills

The thoughts

She pushed Jax away

"Please go" Haley said

"Lee, what are you talking about" Jax asked

"They were right, you don't love me, I'm nothing to you. If you loved me then you would of came for me the first day. But no Jax you didn't come for me like you always promised you promised Jax" Haley cried

"Lee, I tried, we all tried to find you. They didn't even send us anything about what they wanted until the last day. I love you Haley. God I love you so fucking much, it fucking hurts, I can't be without you Lee. If you didn't make it last night I was dead set on taking pills myself just to fucking be with you" Jax cried Haley looked at him in awe

"You wouldn't do that to your family, to Abel" Haley said

"I would. Because I can't imagine my life without you Haley, life without Haley Winston is a terrible one. Life without you wouldn't be possible for me to raise Abel all alone. I need you Lee, and you know I dont need anyone but myself" Jax pleaded

"Jax, I don't know. I've had alot of shit happen to me all week. Mentally, physically, emotionally. After hearing no one loves you repeatedly I began to believe it. That I'm nothing but a whore and a good lay" Haley cried

"Haley, you have a whole entire charter that loves you. That little boy upstairs who you haven't even held yet loves you. And i love you unconditionally, I can't be without you anymore, I just can't" Jax said taking her hand, he pulled something out of his pocket and pushed it into her hand, he leaned down and kissed her knuckles

"I'll always fight for you Haley, because the love I have for you is real, it always has been" Jax said, he took a deep breath and walked out of her room

Haley looked down at her closed hand, she turned her palm over and opened it slowly, she gasped when she saw the ring she had been eyeballing for years before she left for Tuscon, the engagement band that she had always admired in the catalogs that Gemma would have in her office. There was a small note under the ring

I bought this for you before you left for college, the day you got my crow because right then I knew I wanted you as my wife, I wanted to be proud to call you Mrs.Teller. I want a future with you, I want everything I experience to be with my Lee standing by my side, because I'll always fight for you because your my Lee

Love Jackson

Haley sobbed as she read the note. Wishing she never told him to go.

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