chapter 5

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Haley punched the wall in frustration, anger she didn't know what it was, hearing those words come out of Wendys mouth were hurtful, she was supposed to be the one who birthed Jax's kids that was the plan all along, well since they were kids, she never thought Jax would of gotten married while she was gone that stung a little when Opie broke that news to her but hearing that Wendy was pregnant was destroying her every second she thought about it. Her memories flooded back about ten years when she was seventeen

"Jax, I gotta talk to you for a sec" Haley said walking into one of the dorms in the clubhouse, her second home

"Sure babe what's going on?" Jax asked kissing her lightly, they had been dating for two years at that point

"So I'm late.." Haley said looking down

"Late for what babe I don't get it" Jax said creasing his brow

"Like for my period" Haley said looking at him to see his reaction

"Like your pregnant?" Jax asked with worry flooding his face

"I'm not exactly sure yet. I mean I'm only a week late and im normally regular so maybe" Haley frowned

"Ok so what do we do babe? I mean I'm here for you, its not the best time but we can make it work" Jax said hugging Haley making her feel slightly better

"I don't know what to do Jax, I mean I'm still so young and I want to go to college I'm not even finished with high school yet" Haley said biting her lip

"Lee, we will figure this out together i promise" Jax smiled

That was a crock of shit, when Jax told her that three weeks later she found out there wasn't a heartbeat, Haley felt somewhat relieved, but Jax blamed her for stressing to much about having a baby and they ended up splitting up right before she left for college in Arizona

"Lee, I'm sorry" she heard

"Don't Jax just don't, I'm gonna walk home" Haley said trying to walk past him

"Let me atleast give you a ride" Jax said grabbing her arm

"I think you've done enough, maybe I'll see if I can go up to the cabin with my dad or stay with Opie and Donna" Haley said

"Lee please don't leave me again, I need you i cant do this alone" Jax said pleading with her

"Jax, you made this baby with Wendy, you two are meant to be so just be don't worry about me anymore" Haley said pushing past him and he stood there as his best friend and first love walked away

Seven months later

Haley had just ended her shift at Hannah's the local diner, she ended up moving in with Opie and Donna until she made enough money at the diner to get a studio apartment above a coffee shop on main St, she had been avoiding Jax and the entire clubhouse for a while and no one seemed to bother her, it was nice. She had almost enough saved up for a car and she was excited, Opie was in the process of finding one for her which was nice. She was exhausted, she just finished up a 27 hour shift all she wanted was a shower and her bed for the next twenty four hours. She heard her phone ring in her purse

"Hello?" She asked not recognizing the number

"Lee, I need you" he said

"Why Jax?" Haley asked annoyed every once in a while when he was drunk he could call her and apologize

"Wendy had the baby, he's ten weeks early he has the family flaw and a hole in his stomach, Lee they told me he has a ten percent chance to live" Jax cried into the phone

Haley felt terrible, as much as she hated Wendy for carrying Jaxs first son, her best friend needed her

"Where are you?" Haley asked as she stopped walking

"Our spot" Jax said as he hung up the phone

Haley wondered why he wasn't at the hospital, but she would save that for when she saw him face to face, she wasn't thrilled she had to walk more then she wanted to or the fact that Jax wasn't with his newborn son regardless of if he was going to make it or not

Haley looked up at the ladder, the place her and Jax used to hide from everyone, she slowly climbed up to hear muffled cries, when she got to the top she couldn't believe what she saw, Jackson Teller was broken, her best friend that barely shed a tear when his father passed was crying uncontrollably. Quickly she set her bag down and sat beside him and held him while he cried

"Jax, why aren't you there?" Haley asked picking Jaxs head up

"I can't see him" Jax said wiping away his tears

"Why? He's your son Jax" Haley asked

"Because, Lee i cant look at him knowing he may not be alive tomorrow" Jax said lighting a cigarette

"Your his father Jax you need to go see him" Haley spoke sternly

"I'm a father for what a day? Maybe two?" Jax asked getting angry "Haley he's got the family flaw and a hole in his stomach"

"Yeah well your mother is fine and you seem pretty sturdy to me, you Tellers don't die easy" Haley said

"No we just die bloody" Jax spat

"Listen, just go see him please Jax you'll never forgive yourself" Haley said

"Maybe tomorrow" Jax said quietly knowing that Haley was right, Haley was always right

"That's better, but how about tonight?" Haley asked rubbing her hand on Jaxs knee

"Will you come with me?" Jax asked looking at Haley

"Yes, but I can't stay long Jax I'm exhausted, I just worked twenty seven hours" Haley said rubbing her hands on her face

"We won't be long and I'll take you home to rest okay?" Jax asked standing up and putting his hand out, as Haley looked up jax smiled, there was the Jax Teller she knew, the Jackson Teller she fell in love with all those years ago

"Oh god Jax he's so tiny" Haley said as she placed her hand on the incubator

"Doc said if he survives the night then they are going to go in and fix his heart first, then his belly" Jax said placing his hand over hers

"Jax, he's a strong boy, just like his daddy" Haley smiled

"He sure is, thanks Lee for coming with me" Jax said hugging Haley

"Jax, no matter what happened in the past that little boy is the most important" Haley said pointing to the baby's incubator

"I'm so sorry Lee, I know it was supposed to be you doing this with me" Jax said kissing her forehead

"It's okay Jax I didn't expect you to wait forever for me" Haley said

"I should have, because your the only person ive ever loved" Jax said hugging her tighter

"Me too, Jax me too" Haley said resting her head on his chest as she breathed in his intoxicating scent, the scent that made her go weak at the knees

"I'm gonna need you to help me with all this lee, I'm lost in all of it" Jax whispered

"I'll always be here for you Jax, but Wendy needs to go if you want me to help" Haley said looking up at Jax

"She's already on her way to rehab darlin', so she's long gone" Jax said

"Good, I was gonna beat her ass if she was still here, you just saved a junkies life" Haley smiled

Currently listening to Brave by Sara bareillies

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