~**~ Prologue ~**~

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10 year-old Rue POV

I stared out the window of the limo. I was only ten, yet I was going to meet my future husband. Was this normal? Did people now days marry for love, or benefit? For romance, or money? For gratefulness, or profit? That question and it's synonyms rang through my head. All I knew about my fiancé is that his name is Henry Degair and that he 10 also. I didn't want to marry him though. I wanted to marry for love, but nooo! Today was the day. I planned for today. I just got to get Henry to play Hide n' Seek. "We're here!" Momma said in her usual singsong voice. I nodded. I stared up at the palace before us. "Now, Rueinlynna, curtsy, play with the prince, and don't forget to call him Prince Henry! Not just Henry!" Momma scolded. I nodded. Daddy was sick at the palace, so just me and Momma went to meet Hen- er... Prince Henry's  his parents -Queen Corella and King Naylor- and his older sister -Princess Bella. I hopped out of the limo, my black dress flowing behind me. I hopped up the stairs to the entrance to the palace. "Rueinlynna! Wait up!" Momma called. "I will when I get to the top!" I called back. When I got to the top, I waited for Momma. She slowly made her way up. "Back straight," I reminded myself, "Curtsy. Play. Say 'Prince' and 'Queen' and 'King' and stuff..." "Huh?" Momma asked. "Oh, I didn't say anything..." I replied. Momma knocked on the huge doors. In just a seconds time, the doors opened to the sound of trumpets. "Queen Anastasia and Princess Rueinlynna are now entering!" A guard announced. Too loud for my liking... it's like this everywhere, I thought. I straightened my back and started walking alongside Momma. My plan had to go perfectly. I went over it again in my head as the thrones of the Queen, King, Princess, and Prince came into view. When we got to the door of the thrones, me and Momma bowed. "Queen Anastasia! Princess Rueinlynna! So good to see you!" King Naylor bellowed. "You can call me Rue," I offered. King Naylor nodded, his brown bread bobbing up and down. "Hello King Naylor," Momma added. "Have you met Henry, Rue?" King Naylor asked. "No," I replied. Next to the king sat a boy. His hair was a mix of blond and brown. His eyes were bright blue. He seemed the opposite of me. I have black hair, and dark brown eyes. Today my hair was pulled up in a braided bun. The boy got up and bowed. I quickly curtsied before the boy said, "Hello, Princess Rueinlynna." "Call me Rue," I replied, "Prince Henry, I presume?" The boy nodded. "Why don't you two go run along and play?" Queen Corella suggested, "Why not show Princess Rue your room, Henry?" Henry nodded. "This way," he mumbled to me, pointing toward a hall. Henry started dashing down it, me right behind him. I followed him through halls, turning right or left every few 30 seconds. "Here." Henry stopped in front of a big, white, marble, door. Henry opened the door. Inside was a huge blue and gold bed with a radio on a sliver table. "Nice!" I said, "I have a idea! Wanna play Hide n' Seek?" Henry smiled. "Sure!" He replied. I smiled. The plans going amazing!!!! "You count, I'll hide," I added. Henry nodded. "One," he started, "two, three..." I ran off through the halls into the throne room. I ran through the room, hearing steps behind me. They must be Henry's. "Rueinlynna? What are you doing?!" Momma called after me as I started down the stairs. I ran across the road and into a forest. When I knew I was hidden I stared up at Momma and the Degair royal family. Including Henry. "Rue?! Rue?! I saw you! I won! That's what this is about right?!" He yelled. "Rueinlynna!!" Momma called, "RUEINLYNNA?! RUE?!" Momma hasn't called me that since I was tiny. Everyone on the staircase was yelling for me, and the guards was even starting to run down the stairs. "Good bye Momma... bye everyone..." I whispered to myself. I had finally did it. I pulled out a note from my pocket and quickly folded it into a paper airplane. I through it at my family and ran. I finally ran away.

10 year-old Henry POV

A paper airplane hit me right in the nose. I quickly unfolded it. It as a letter. I stared at it for a second, then looked up at the guards chasing after her. Soon police showed up too. I started reading the letter out loud, " 'Dear Momma, Daddy, and Henry, I've ran away. If you are reading this Henry, please take no offense. I want to marry for love. Write my own destiny. Not have it planned out. For Momma, I love you, but sometimes you are to up tight. Please be nice while I'm gone. And Daddy, I love you. Go easy on the kingdom, will ya? Love, Rueinlynna' Rue...?" I looked up from the letter and noticed everyone was staring at me. "Where'd Rue go?" I asked. "She ran away...?" Queen Anastasia asked herself. I followed the guards down to the forest. "Rue?" I called. "Good bye Henry...!" I heard someone yell from far away. The police and guards headed in that direction. "Bye Rue..."

Eight years later...

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