"She's waiting for you." The strawberry blonde spoke, indicating that he was apart of the young child's game.

"I'll give her another minute..."

His response was only between their mind communication, although a small rumble left his chest.

Alessia laughed, scratching the top of his head as she turned back to the clueless Bella. "Apparently someone is enjoying his head scratch to much... and he's also slightly lazy."

"Maybe that's because he only just got up." Bella responded.

"And devoured half the fridge." Alessia added.

"I was on night patrol!"

Alessia snorted, leaving yet again Bella wondering what they had said. They did that a lot lately, Jacob was much more comfortable in his wolf form and usually Alessia was the only one able to understand him besides Edward.

"He's giving the night patrol excuse again." Alessia translated for her friend who quickly joined in with a roll of her eyes and a laugh.

"JACOB! COME ON!" Renessme's loud yell of joy sounded throughout the forest as her feet followed.

Jacob turned towards the two women standing by his side with grins on their faces, he winked towards the strawberry blonde before bounding off.

"No mountain lions! Deer only!" Bella yelled after him.

"Yeah yeah, live a little Bella."

"That'll be hard." Alessia muttered, turning towards Bella. "Jacob will care for her."

Instead of running around in circles and jumping onto trees like Renessme and Jacob the girls ran straight, right into an open clearing where the snow was covering every inch.

The forest surrounding them rang with Jacobs huffs as he ran and Nessie's soft giggles as the trees ruffled with their movements.

"So Italy?" Bella spoke up, raising her brow.

"If that's the only way we will find peace, yes." Alessia nodded to her best friend. The next few months would be hectic for them, while they were suppose to be going to the spring semester at Dartmouth they would actually be headed to the lair of the Volturi. It wouldn't be practically everyone this time, just Alessia and Bella. The royalty of vampires wanted proof of Bella's descent into immortality and before they come hunting for it they would come to them.

There was only one problem though, Renessme. She was important to keep from them, a child like hybrid was unheard of and if anyone like them were to know there was no telling what would happen. The minds of many were able to be tampered with there but not them, no theirs was untouchable.

The family didn't like it, especially since they would be all the way in Brazil for safe keeping but it had to be done.

"How's Jake with the idea?" Bella questioned, soft snowflakes began to fall on her shoulder but she didn't feel it.

"Frustrated, he doesn't understand why he can't come but he's willing to go with Renessme if I promise to keep him updated. Trust me, he won't try and fight me on this."

Bella nodded, noticing how Renessme ran straight towards them, Jacob galloping behind her slower. In her hands she held a snowflake, and she lifted it for both women to see.

Alessia smiled tenderly at the young girl while her mother clasped her palms around the young ones own. "It's beautiful, why don't you go get me another one."

Renessme nodded, turning around and heading straight for the snow covered grass. She jumped high into the air with one leap as the rest of them watched on, Jacob came to Alesia's side, tapping her bare knee.

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