Once she hears this, that's gonna come to an end.

"Who was this jezebel anyway?

I cleared my throat and shuffled my feet on the cold hard floor.

"Remember that girl I told you I met when I was in college?

She stared at me with a blank look. She's been doing well with this dementia, I hope that she isn't having an episode right now. I touched her hand and stared at her.

"Her name Sally, right? Sally was a nice woman for you, she was a white woman though Aceon".

"Ummm.... No grandma, Shayla was here name and she's not white, just light skinned" I smiled softly.

"Oh, well she's not worth it. Any woman who think it's okay to have two men fight and battle for her because she is loose as a goose will not marry or have the heart of any grandson of mine. Get you a nice wholesome girl, not a hoe bag is that what you youngins say nowadays?"

I shook my head and laughed. "Grandma don't talk like that, but I understand what you're saying".

I stood up and kissed her forehead as I prepared to leave the crib and go out on the block with Meek and my cousins.

"Aceon, I love you but leave that girl alone. God is sending you messages to leave her A-L-O-N-E" she spelled out to me as I walked towards the house door.

"I know grandma".

I opened the door and closed it behind me as I locked it. I took the stairs down stairs to go outside the building. I was spending my week and half out here to get my mind right. I decided I was gonna sell my crib In Downtown LA since I found a better one in Hollywood. 

My career is sky rocketing so I think it's time for a change.


"Nigga I'm still feeling that shit, that nigga busted that fucking speaker on top of me" Meek complained as he spat on the ground, smoking a blunt.

I shook my head and laughed, while checking my pager and seen I got a beep from a client. I'll call them later, I'm on an unfortunate vacation.

"Word, I aint gon lie nigga, when that nigga was stomping you I was like Yo, how this small nigga fucking up Ace" Jay laughed.

"Fuck you" I spat and stuck up my middle finger.

"On the real G, you gotta leave shorty alone" Mel warned.

Here we go with this shit again. I aint tryna hear this shit again. I heard from Grandma now these niggas, but if I keep hearing this shit it gotta be some truth to it. 

I took a swig out of my Gatorade bottle and sat it back on the side of the bench, on to the ground.

It was hot out here in the hood, but what saved us from the scorching hot sun was these big ass trees that rested above us.

"Yeah nigga, sorry to say it but that bitch is a ho" Meek shrugged.

"Aight yall aint gotta violate her like that".

I watched the three of them exchange looks and laugh at me. I flared my nostrils as I rubbed my hands together.

"Oh, yall tryna violate?"

Mel put his hand up while laughing, leaning over on the blue wooden bench.

"Yo, son just chill but you don't see what she doing to you my nigga, check it ima break it down" he clapped once and folded his hands while leaning forward.

"You aint notice, every time her and Eazy get into it, she come fucking you. When they good she doesn't holla at you. When you and her beefing, she run to Eazy and she back fucking him again"

"On top of that neither one of yall niggas use condoms with her nigga, and we see how Eazy get down" Jay added, shaking his head. "Any bitch that's gonna let you nut in her shit all crazy is a ho, it is what it is.

I remained silent. What could I possibly say? My niggas were right and I had no comeback cause all this shit was true. I liked Shayla, a lot because I felt she was different but I got a little too caught up. 

When I first seen her, I thought she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was the total package; smart, funny, pretty, bad ass body and ambitious.

That exactly what she was an educated ho. I nodded my head as I looked up at the clear blue sky that had huge fluffy white clouds resting in it.

"You right" I dryly admitted to all of them.

"When you going back to Cali?" Meek asked, trying to change the topic a little.

I looked over at him, in deep thought.

"In about a week or two, why?"

"You gotta cut that shit off with her nigga, for real"

"Yeah Ace, she got you fighting and shit" Mel said.

"And I aint getting fucked up with a speaker box again, Fuck that" Meek chuckled in between his words.

We all shared a laugh as we sat around and got high on the block. I really had some deep shit to think about.

I cared about Shayla, but she aint ready for nothing real; which is why she chasing after that nigga to give her some fairytale life that we both know she not gonna get.

I never will understand why females cry about wanting love and shit, then when they have it they turn it away for some nigga who walks all over them. I don't know, but at this point I can't fuck with Shayla like that no more. 

She's toxic. I love her and could have had the world with me. shorty could have been the one, but not like this. She made her pick; it was that nigga Eazy.

It says a lot about her. I just know when I get back to California, it's gonna be a clean slate.

I wish her the best. Cause with that nigga and his foul ways...she gonna need it. 


[A/N : Dont violate Ace lmaooo cause yall be odeeing, but I feel bad for him; its not entirely his fault for everything. Tell me how yall feel honestly]

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