"I'm glad that you're back." Yoongi kissed my forehead. "Want to hold our baby?" Yoongi asked, I nodded my head.

Yoongi helped me to sit up, while my mom handed me my premature baby. I carefully held her in my arms, almost tearing up.

"Hi baby girl, it's mommy." I spoke to her while she squirmed and cooed a little. "She recognizes you," Mom smiled "a baby recognize their own mother's voice." Mom finished.

I looked at Yoongi when he was smiling. "What's with the smile?" I questioned. "Because you're the only one who didn't get to hold our baby. I'm happy you got the chance to hold her." I stared at my new baby, "me too."

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Yoongi's mom asked. "Min Gwihan." I looked at Yoongi, "it means precious, because she is precious in my life now. " I stared at my daughter, Gwihan.

"That's a beautiful name." Yoongi placed a kiss on my head and to our baby.

After a happy moment, everyone cleared out except Yoongi and Gwihan. We just sat staring at our new daughter sleep.

"So what's going to happen next?" I looked away from Gwihan to Yoongi. "What happens next is you getting involved in my life now." He caressed me cheek.


I stayed in the hospital a couple more days. Until Gwihan and I are more stable, we could go home and start a new life. Yoongi comes and go visiting me and Gwihan. Our parents would come in too, along with some friends.

Jungkook apologized on behalf of his sister, which I accepted and forgave her.

Dr Kim came in with a smile, "how are you two holding up?"

"Good." Dr Kim checked on me, "it seems, you are stable and your baby is old enough to leave the hospital. She's a strong a baby, like you." I thanked her.

"You can be discharged today, whenever you feel like you want to leave, just check in and you're back at home." Dr Kim smiled again, "thank you Dr Kim."

I was really happy to hear that Gwihan and I can go back home. I grabbed my phone dialing Yoongi's number.

Y: hello

U: Yoongi, guess what!

Y:what, that you love me?

U: No chicken butt. Just kidding yes I love you, but they're discharging me today.

Y: ahh really?! So that means you and Gwihan can come home? Today?!

U: Yes, yoongi.

Y: ok um... I'll pick you two up during break.

I hummed in reply and we ended the call.

I was finally going home. I walked to the baby crib provided by the hospital, and held Gwihan in my arms.

"We're going home Gwihan." I smiled caressing her chubby cheeks.

I got myself ready, wearing new fresh clean clothes. I packed, Gwihan's baby stuff into the baby bag. A few knocks were heard at the door.

"Come in" I continued to pack, a hand wrapping around my waist and I knew who it was. "I missed you today." I chuckled

"Well you got to see me." I turn around facing Yoongi, still wrapped in his arms.

"Are you going to buckle your daughter?" He smiled widely kissing my lips quickly, before leaving.

We checked out with the front desk now heading to Yoongi's car.

"Feels great to be out of the hospital." I exhale closing my eyes. Yoongi held my hand tightly. "And it feels wonderful with you to be back at home." He took his eyes off the road for a couple seconds.

We finally made it home, I carried the baby bag while Yoongi carried the baby seat. I unlocked the door, smelling delicious food.

"Smells good, did you make lunch?" I set the keys down, and turn on the light.

"SURPRISE!!" Confetti was thrown at me as a pop went off. I of course was surprised.

"What... you guys didn't have to." I hugged my best friend Jooyoung then choohee.

"Well, we did anyways." Choohee commented. They dragged me to the living room, with yoongi and Gwihan still in her car seat followed behind.

"Time to celebrate!" Choohee handed me alcohol, i blankly stared at the cup in front of me. "That's ok." I shook my head.

"Oh come on Uee, you just gave birth you can drink now." Choohee cooed, "that's ok, I'm still recovering maybe later." I pushed the cup down to the table.

Choohee groaned, "alright, I guess I'll be your black knight." She chugged the alcohol.

"Can we hold the baby?" They asked, I nodded "but you have to ask the baby daddy first." We all looked at yoongi, as he set the car seat down.

"What?" He asked confused. The rest ran to him asking if they could hold Gwihan. I chuckled at the sight.

I sat down taking a rest. "No I'm not giving Gwihan to you Namjoon, you're going to hurt her." I heard yoongi protest and namjoon whined.

A little while Yoongi, sat next to me on the couch, "boy are they something." He huffed wrapping his arm over my shoulder.

I leaned my head on him and snuggled. "I have something to show you." Yoongi pulled away standing up.

I furrowed my eyebrows, as yoongi help me up to stand, he took me down the hall away from the others. He pulled me up to a door.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled, "just close your eyes." I did what yoongi told me.

He took my hand and pulled me inside the room. "Ok open your eyes." I widen my eyes, in the process of opening them.

I gasped at the sight, "Y-yoongi.. I-I'm speechless." Yoongi chuckled, pulling my body close to his. "You like it?"

I examine the room landing my eyes on him, "I hate it." His smile died turning into a frown.

"I hate it because you, did this without me so I'm sad, but I love it." I smiled while Yoongi let out a breath.

"Really? You got me worried, don't do that." He flicked my forehead, I pouted rubbing the spot he flicked his finger.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

Ok I'm angry. I was originally done writing this chapter, but WATTPAD decides to play with me and delete the last part of the chapter.... UGGHHH I worked so hard you know!

Whatever, I wrote a new ending to this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

Y'all thought I would kill Uee? Nah I don't intend to do that, I mean she did die but she came back. Typical & cliché.

What did Yoongi do to surprise Uee?


Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now