Chapter 10

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"Dana? What are you doing here?" I ask, quite shocked to be honest. She was the very last person I was expecting to see.

"Geez you say it like its a bad thing. Don't you miss me? Anyway, we just moved here." She answers me.

No, I simply do not miss you. At all. Nope. Na ah. Nada.


"Oh my gosh! You know each other!?" A blonde from Dana's back interrupts. She's with two other girls, one blonde and one brunette.

"Yeah, why?" Dana smiles.

"We go to the same school! All of us are batch-mates here." The blonde grins and winks at me.

We do? Uh. I think so... Not interested anyway.

"Don't you know us?" The brunette asks kindly.

I just shake my head no.

The blonde girl huffs and frowns. "As expected from Eric, the bad boy."

Dana scolds her and hits her playfully.

"What? It is true." The blonde retorts innocently.

Dana then groans and faces me again. "Wanna go out sometime and catch up with your old best friend?" She grins at me.

Nope. I do not want to be with the only person who broke my heart and made me into this person, a so-called bad boy.

"Nah." I simply say flatly.

"Is it because of Tracy?" The brunette smiles.

"Tracy? As in Tracy Lawrence?" Dana raises her eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, rumors are spreading that they're together."

"No, Rosalie. They're not together, he's just chasing her."

"Hm... Really? Sounds like interesting gossip. Tell me more about it while on the way home." Dana smiles devilishly before saying goodbye. "Bye, Eric! Nice to see you again." She winks at me.


3 years ago

"You look cute, Eric." Mom smiles while fixing my button-down shirt.

"Mom, I'm not cute anymore. I'm handsome." I grin.

Finally. Our first anniversary as a couple.

I sigh and smile one last time at the mirror, hoping the surprise will work.


I slowly sway the bouquet of roses as I near the park where I asked her to meet me.

I look at my watch. Seems like I'm 10 minutes early. I sit at a bench and wait for her. This place is special to us. It's the place where we first met. I laugh at the memory. I used to hate girls back then, believing in cooties and whatever, therefore, I acted like I hated her. Though I also can't forget when I always catch myself staring at her, mesmerized by how cute she was. And she would be friends with me even though I push her away. I should thank her for that. As the years passed, she grew to be one beautiful lady that would catch the attention of many guys. And I feel lucky to have her.

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