Chapter 20

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"That was really stupid of you, Elsie." I start when Peter, Tracy and I were settled in my car.

"I couldn't refuse," Cough. "A-person-that-has-been-nice-to-me's offer." She glares at me from the backseat, Peter sitting next to her in case anything might happen.

"A cigarette? Really?" I point out.

"She said it was harmless! How would I even know," Cough. "That there was a right way to smoke, I thought you just inhale and exhale quickly."

"Would the two of you shut up? What's done is done. We just need to do what we can do. Eric, you making Tracy talk isn't helping her throat so shut the frock up!" Peter stops us from childishly bickering.

"I win." Tracy ends.

I open my mouth but shut it tightly and let out an annoyed huff instead as I start counting to ten in my head. I compose myself and turn on the radio for some music to drown out the small amount of leftover annoyance with Tracy.


I sit patiently on the white boring benches with Brandon, Peter and Desmond while Leslie's pacing around, walking hurriedly back and forth.

"Would you just sit your ass down? I'm getting dizzy because of you pacing back and forth." I ask Leslie in a frustrated but hushed voice.

"No." Leslie stops for just a second, looks at me, answers me and goes pacing back and forth again.

"Please?" I mutter tightly under my breath.

Leslie stops, looks at me, glares at me, but thankfully plops down on one of the seats.

Tracy walking down a hallway comes to sight and Desmond and Leslie meets her halfway.

"So, what?" I ask when they near us.

"What 'what'?" Tracy raises her eyebrows.

"What did the doctor say?" I roll my eyes at her.

"I just have to take this medicine for a week to kill the infection and I'll be okay." Tracy raises the small paper bag in her hand.


We all went back to the party venue to get their ride. Brandon, Peter and I were standing on the sidewalks, waving goodbyes to them as Desmond's car sped off.

"Dude, do you like her?" Peter asks out of the blue.

"Like who?" I scoff.

"Tracy." He answers.

"What the hell. What makes you say so?" I chuckle.

"Well, you obviously care for her so much. Aside from you being all super nice to her, I didn't think you'd actually bring her to the hospital and keep her company." Brandon answers for Peter, as if it was the most obvious thing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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