Yuri!!! On Ice Viktor Nikiforov 1 -Winter Fun

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*Nina's POV*

"Ladies and gentlemen this is yet another win for Russia's star couple skaters, Viktor Nikiforov and Nina Veselovsky!" The commentator announced

Viktor and I skated around the rink waving to the audience before meeting in the middle and facing our judges. We bowed and thanked them. It was no surprise we won. We are the two top skaters in the world, there were no doubts that we would win, that's why our coach puts us together every year. I love working with my boyfriend, but I hate that I have to do it because our coach would put my career on the line. It's not easy getting a decent coach, so I have to do this. I exited the ice, hand in hand with Viktor.

"Now all that's left is individuals," I sighed

Viktor gave a small laugh.

"You'll be okay. I promise," he smiled at me

I smiled back and we exited the arena. The cold Russian air was nothing to what I had just felt on the ice. However, I still pulled my coat tighter around me, burying the bottom half of my face in my black owl patterned scarf.

"Nina?" Viktor said

I hummed in response

"So I've been thinking," he started

"It's not about Yuri is it?" I asked, stopping and interrupting my boyfriend

"It is. I want to coach him," Viktor declared

"Are you mad?" I almost shouted at him. "Coach won't take you back if you go and coach him."

"I think it's time I put my career to rest. For now anyway, I want to try something new."

"What about us?"

"Ah, I've thought of that too," Viktor said stepping closer to me

"Care to explain?" I asked looking up at him slightly

"You can come with me!" He announced excitedly

I sighed and took a step back from him. I messed with my hands before shoving them back inside my pockets. I took a deep breath and looked Viktor in the eye.

"No. I can't," I said

Viktor's face fell. His once excited expression turned into one of sadness.

"What?" He spoke quietly

"I can't leave, Viktor. I have to stay here in Russia," I said

"Why? I don't understand. I thought you would want to go and live somewhere else with me."

"I do want that, but not right now. I'm at the top of my game right now and I really can't afford to let this drop."

"But, Nina, you can't do this forever."

"I know that, but for now I really want to cling onto this career."

"You can do that, I'll be your coach."

I giggled at Viktor's attempt at making me go with him.

"You aren't a coach, Viktor. I'm sorry, but I need to stay. For the sake of keeping us financially stable," I said, taking my hands out of my pockets and putting them on Viktor's face

Viktor sighed, and moved my hands from off of his face. He held onto my hands, intertwining our fingers. He stared intently at our conjoined hands. I gave his hands a quick squeeze which made him look up at me. I smiled at him, to which he did not return the smile. I sighed and freed one of my hands. We walked home in silence, clinging onto each other's hands. Once we reached the house I fished my key out of my pocket. I opened the door and Makkachin came bounding out of the house into the large garden. He ran around in the snow, trying to catch some in his mouth as it floated down. Viktor let go of my hand and went to play with Makkachin. I entered the house and closed the door behind me. I turned on a light as I took off my coat and shoes. Sighing, I put my coat on a hook and my shoes on the shoe rack. The washing in the sink was begging to be done. I ran the hot water filling up the bowl. Sure, I could put them in the dishwasher like Viktor does, but I prefer to do it by hand. I turned off the hot water and added the soap. I mixed the soap as best I could to make some bubbles and began the pots. Outside, I could see Viktor run around in the snow with Makkachin. Every so often he would turn around and chase Makkachin before turning around and running away from Makkachin again. Viktor began rolling a snowball across the ground, starting a snowman. I washed the last of the pots and began to dry them, still watching Viktor. He turned around after he put the head on and saw me watching him. He smiled and waved at me, before running towards the house, Makkachin in tow. He opened the door and walked straight to the fridge. After a minute of searching he pulled out a carrot triumphantly. He turned to face me and smiled again.

"Want to put the finishing touches on with me?" He asked

"Not today. Sorry, prince," I apologised

"Why, my ice princess?" He asked hugging me from behind

"I have too many things to do around the house, and we have the puppies on the way," I said turning around to face my boyfriend

Viktor sighed and kissed me. He picked me up and walked out of the house.

"Viktor!" I squealed

He just laughed at me, Makkachin no longer in tow. He picked me up like you would a child, so he clung onto my thighs so I wouldn't fall. I also held onto his neck like my life depended on it. I rested my head on his shoulder as he continued to carry me down the garden to the snowman. The biting cold air doesn't seem to affect me much anymore. I guess that's a perk of being a skater. We reached the snowman and Viktor gave me the carrot. I giggled and gently pushed the carrot into the snowman's head. Once it was safely buried into the snowman's face, Viktor took a step back. 

"We make some beautiful things," Viktor said softly

"It was mostly your work," I giggled

"You finished it off."

"I did. But you did all the hard work."

"How about we create something that requires both of our hard work?" Viktor smirked



Sorry this is so late! 

I've been preoccupied with college work.

I'm sorry about the suggestive ending lmao

I'll update again as soon as I can!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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