Chapter 22

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**Paulie's POV**

I carried Georgia up to bed the night before. She still had my shirt on and she was smiling in her sleep. She couldn't have looked more beautiful. I had rehearsals today so I hopped out of bed and let her sleep. I went into the bathroom and got myself dressed.

"You left me alone," Georgia was leant up against the doorway.

"I have to go to rehearsals," I said softly pulling the hair out of her face.

"I'll miss you," She tip toed and kissed me lightly.

"Why don't you come with me?" I asked her fixing my hair.

"I've got things to do," She twsited her foot.

"No you don't, don't lie to me babe," I took her hands.

"Fine, I don't like Maurice anymore," She muttered.

"Understandable," I kissed her forehead.

"Go dance," She let me out of the bathroom.

**Georgia's POV**

I didn't know what to do with my life now. I was out of Justice Crew, I had no connection with my parents and I was just living off Paulie and Eman. I felt bad.
I didn't expect this to happen, I'm only 19 and my life is already a mess. I needed to pick myself up again.

I went down to the computer downstairs and tried to log in. Both of Paulie and Eman's accounts had passwords. I couldn't get in.

I left a note on the kitchen table and went to the nearest Maccas. Free wifi, I wasn't gonna pay for it! I ordered one of those coffee frappes and sat down. I opened up my iPhone and logged into the wifi. I googled flights to Melbourne and found cheap flights. I wasn't going to book them just yet. But I kept some seats on hold.

I looked at the time and walked slowly back home, having time just to recollect my thoughts.

A car drove past and stopped at the kerb. The car looked familiar.

"Georgia! Get in!" It was Len and John. I shook my head and kept walking. I saw John stepping out of the car. I quickly turned the other way and started walking faster. It obviously wasn't going to work, he was a runner for crying out loud. He turned me around and by now the tears had started.

"Hey, whats wrong?" He asked softly. I took his hug and we stood on the sidewalk, just hugging.

"I want Paulie..." I sniffed.

"Him and Eman left rehearsals earlier than we did, they should be home. Come on me and Len will drive you," He offered. I shook my head.

"I want to walk," I told him. I wiped my tears away and he got his phone out. He texted Len to meet us at Paulie and Eman's house. I looked up and his white subaru drove away.

"Why aren't you going with him?" I asked quietly.

"Because I don't want you walking out by yourself," He replied. "Do you want to tell me whats wrong?'' I shook my head again.

"I'm not in the mood to talk," I whispered. We kept walking in silence and we finally reached home.

"Baby whats wrong," Just hearing his voice made me burst into tears. Paulie pulled me into a hug that made me feel safe. He took me upstairs and into his bedroom. He closed the door as I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"I don't like seeing you upset, tell me whats wrong," He used his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

"My life is ruined! I got kicked out of Justice, im not talking to my parents, I have no money, I have no job... and I'm just mooching off you and Emmanuel!" I practically yelled.

"Hey hey hey... It's okay, I love the fact that you're living with us," He tried to reassure me.

"But it's not fair on you guys! I should be paying rent just to stay here, you guys have been so nice taking me in like this," I wiped more tears away.

"You don't have to pay us! You don't have to worry about all that stuff," Paulie took my hands and kissed the back of them.

"But I do worry," I whispered.

"Well don't," He kissed my forehead.

"Did you read my note?" I asked him.

"Yeah, where'd you go?" He asked me back.

''I was out looking for flights to Melbourne..." I looked up at him and his face was blank.

"So you're leaving?" He asked quietly.

"No, i didn't book any flights... but I have seats on hold," I told him.

"But why?!" He pouted like a little kid.

"Because, I need to go out and find a job and earn some money and that. Being here, I'm here for you. Not that I don't love being with you, but i need to find what my life calls for,"

"Work in Sydney..." He folded his arms.

"I wish I could, but being here just reminds me that im a failure!"

"Well whatever you do... I guess I have to support you, but don't leave yet... please," He begged.

"I'm not leaving just yet," I managed a smile.

"Good. I love you," He leant over and gave me a hug. I kissed his cheek and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I think we should go downstairs..." I suggested.

"Yeah..." Paulie added. He hopped up and helped me off the bed. We walked hand in hand down the stairs.

"Is everything okay?" Len asked.

"Everythings fine, now." I smiled.

"I was worried about you," John came over and gave me a hug.

"Well thank you for caring," I hugged him back.

"Are you guys staying for dinner?" Eman asked Len and John.

"Sure, why not," John looked at Len. Len nodded at his decision.

"Hope you guys like pizza!'' He picked up the phone. I plonked myself on the couch next to Len.

"Hey, lighten up," He saw me looking blank. I gave him my cheesiest smile.

"You're cute," He laughed.

"Pizzas will be here in 30 minutes," Eman said hanging up the phone.

"Can we go in the pool?" I asked, looking up at Paulie who was standing behind the couch.

"So you can see us shirtless?! Well of course," John interrupted.

"I guess we're pooling!" Paulie laughed. I quickly ran upstairs and changed into a turquoise bikini with silver embellishments. I walked out to the pool and Paulie was standing there looking cute as ever.

"Well don't you look attractive," I smiled kissing him softly. My arms wrapped around his waist and as I moved my hands up his body, someone pushed us in.

"HEY! JOHN I SEE YOU LAUGHING!" I yelled. I ran out of the pool and pushed him in. I grabbed Len's hand and pulled him in as well.

"Hey! You guys started without me!" Eman came running and bombed into the pool. We splashed around in the water and ate our pizza in the water.

"Len! You messy eater! There's pepperoni in the pool now!" Len just smiled and kept eating his slice of pizza. We got out and dried ourselves off. Paulie came and wrapped his towel around me.

"Don't leave, I'll miss you too much,"

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