Chapter 7

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**Paulie's POV**

Georgia called not long after I had dropped her home. She sounded distraught, really upset. I grabbed the car keys and Eman looked up from the tv.

"Where you goin?" He asked changing the channel.

"Georgia called, it sounds like she's in trouble," I responded.

"Alright, bring her back here if you want, she's always welcome," I smiled at Eman. He was so understanding. I quickly ran to the car and started the engine.

"I'm coming Georgia..." I said under my breath. I drove to a park that was on the way to Georgia's house. I thought she would be there. I pulled up and got out of the car.

"Georgia!" I found my baby girl huddled with all her stuff on a park bench. I sat on the ground and she crawled into my lap. I let my arms wrap around her, making her feel safe. As te tears ran down her face, all I could do was say it was going to be okay.

**Georgia's POV**

Once I figured that I've done enough crying, I lifted my head up and wiped my eyes.

"I probably look like a raccoon," I tried to laugh. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Paulie.

"Do you wanna tell me what's up?" He grabbed my hand and he kissed the back of it. I shook my head. I wasn't really that ready to talk about what happened.

"Come with me, Emmanuel said to bring you back," Paulie kissed my forehead and I hugged him again. I fit my head under his chin and he gently rocked side to side. I pulled apart and reached for my bags.

"Let me," He smiled. Paulie picked up my bags as I linked onto his arm. Once my bags were piled in, we drove back to their house.

"What's up buttercup?" Eman pulled me into a hug. He walked me over to the couch and sat down.

"Wait for Paulie..." I whispered. He was putting my bags away. He rushed downstairs and sat beside me. He put his arm around me and I grabbed his other hand.

"Dad got angry at me because it was past my curfew by 11 minutes. Then the argument escalated and... and I mentioned my mum, then he did... and I got mad... so I left..." I had a giant lump in my throat and I could feel the tears building up again.

"What happened to your mum?" Paulie asked quietly. I breathed in. I hadn't talked to anyone about my mums death.

"It's okay, you don't have to," Eman put his hand on my knee.

"No, it's better if you know." I admitted. I held onto Paulies hand tightly.

"My mum and dad were driving home from the Food and Wine show. They went very year, that was their tradition. So they were driving home, and at a red light, a truck from the opposite direction lost control and swerved into my parents. The truck hit my dad's side first and he died instantly... My mum, she survived. She crawled out the door and she survived...

I was the only child, mum and I spent most of our days crying. This happened when I was about 11 years old. When I was 15 my mum started dating this new guy, Steve... the bitch. They were so happy together, and I thought that mum had found the one. So they got married! When I was 17, mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. Day after my 18th birthday she passed away. Steve had to take care of me. And here I am today..."

"Georgia, I'm so sorry..." Eman gave me a sympathetic look.

"Me too," Paulie added. I lay my head on Paulie's chest and I breathed in heavily.

"I think I'm gonna crash early..." I said breaking the silence.

"I'll show you where you'll be sleeping," Paulie took my hand and he guided me to the spare room.

"Hope its okay," He smiled.

"Its more than okay. Thank you for taking me in," I went on my tip toes and met his lips.

"Anything for my girl," He kissed my forehead and I hopped off to the bathroom to freshen myself up.

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