Chapter 9

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**Paulie's POV**

As soon as I saw Georgia head off, I stormed my way to the parking lot. I felt footsteps behind me.

"Hey man, what was that about?" Eman rushed up to me. I slammed the car door and put my head in my hands.

"I screwed up. Georgia's gone, she's not my girl anymore," I cried.

"Dude its okay," Eman patted my back.

"But I loved her," I whispered.

"What did you say?"

"I loved her," I said louder. The car ride was silent. When we got back there was a car parked on the street.

"You must be Paulie... I'm Ketriya, I'm Georgia's sister," She really was moving.

"Is Georgia here?" I asked, I was hoping she was in the car.

"She's in the car... but I don't think she wants to talk to you," Ketriya said sadly. "I'm here for her things," Eman lead her to the spare room and I walked over to the car. Georgia was sitting with her headphones in leant up on one hand against the window.

I knocked on the window and she turned around.

"Can't we talk more about this?" I said loud enough for her to hear. She shook her head and went back to her music.

"Georgia... please. You make me so happy whenever I'm around you. You make me feel I'm walking on clouds. I love the way you smile and laugh. The way you dance gets me the most. Georgia, please... I love you, I'm not letting you go this easy," I pleaded. It didn't work, she just kept listening to her music.

"Thanks boys...I guess you'll see her at rehearsals," Ketriya put her bags in the boot.

"Tell her I love her," I told Ketriya. She just nodded and got into the car.

**Ketriya's POV**

I hopped into the car after picking up Georgie's stuff. I looked across and she was crying.

"Paulie loves you," I told her.

"I know," She whimpered. "He told me,"

"What did he say... exactly," I asked Georgia.

"Georgia... please. You make me so happy whenever I'm around you. You make me feel I'm walking on clouds. I love the way you smile and laugh. The way you dance gets me the most. Georgia, please... I love you, I'm not letting you go this easy,"

"Babe, he clearly loves you, why did you let him go?" I asked her.

"He needs to focus on his dancing... Not me,"

"He just needs to get used to it. You need to give him a chance," I put my hand on Georgie's knee. She didn't budge. I just drove her back to my place.

**Emans POV**

"Come on man, lighten up... Why don't we call the boys around and have some pizza and stuff?" I suggested.

"Whatever..." Paulie replied. He sat on the couch fiddling with his rat tails. I've never seen him so upset.

"John! Call the rest of the boys, come round to mine," I told John.

"Wanna pick a movie?" I looked over to Paulie. He walked over to the DVD cabinet and picked out a couple of movies.

"What pizza do you want?" I asked.

"Meat please," Paulie said flopping back down on the couch. I dialed up Pizza Hut and ordered 4 Large Meat Lovers pizzas.

"Delivery thanks," I said to the man on the phone. The doorbell rang and the boys came rushing in.

"Take a seat any seat," Paulie lightened up a bit. He put in the Hangover and we all sat down. Paulie, John and I were on the sofa, Len was on the armchair, Samson on the other, and Lukas and Solo were on the floor.

10 minutes later the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Paulie hopped off the couch and grabbed his wallet.

"Your not pizza..."

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