Chapter One: The invasion

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  All young Adela could hear was screaming and the sound of swords colliding. The castle was under attack. She was hiding under her bed with her ears closed and her eyes shut with tears streaming down her cheek. As she was shaking under her bed she heard the door open and someone coming in. The sound of footsteps echoed through the room. She put her little hand on her mouth. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped and the covers of the bed was lifted reaviling a man of the King's Guard.

''Princess Adela. Thank Gods you are alright. We have to go. The King ordered me to take you away from here. Come on. Give me your hand.'' The King's Guard said and offered his hand to the princess. She hesitanly took it and he dragged her out of her hiding place and into his arms.

''We have to go. I am not going to let anyone to hurt you princess. I swear.'' the King's guard said and they left the room. Whenever the little princess got scared she just hugged his neck tighter and he would pat her on the back and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

''What is you name Ser?'' she asked him with a shaking voice

''I am honored that the princess wants to know my name but I don't want to burden your head princess.'' He said with his gentle voice.

''Please. I want to know your name.'' she said back and he laughed.

''My name is Aelius your highness.'' he replied.

''Where are you from?'' she asked him

''I am from a place far from here. A place called Meereen. My mum and dad are slaves there but my brothers managed to become free citizens.'' he said again with a tone of sadness in his voice. As they were crossing a narrow hallway a man as big as a mountain showed up in front of them. He was wearing an armour and his axe was full of blood.

''I see you are carrying a Targaryen. Be a good knight and hand her over and I will kill her fast.'' he said with a disguisting look in his eyes. Aelius turned around and run with the man hot on his tail. He stopped at a dead end. He put her down and pushed a brick which opened a door.

''Go inside princess. It leads to the market. From there take a horse and leave King's Landing. Go far away.'' he said

''Won't you come with me?'' she asked him holding his cloak.

''I wish I could princess but I have to stop the bad man from coming after you.'' he said

''But I don't want to be alone out there. I won't make it.'' The little girl started crying again. The man put his hand on her cheek.

''You are a Targaryen. Targaryen's are able of doing amazing things. You will make it princess.'' he said with his gentle voice once again. 

''But I don't want you to die beause of me.'' she said once again and hugged him. He laughed.

'' I am honored that the princess worries about me but you have to go. You are our last hope princess. Please leave.'' he said and pushed her inside and closed the door right on time when that Mountain came.

''What happened to the little girl? I want her hear her screams as I kill her slowly.'' he said. Aelius draw his sword out.

''I am not going to let you touch a single hair on her head.'' Aelius said with venom coming from his mouth. Little did he knew that Adela was hearing everything from the other side of the room. The man laughed with a laugh that could freeze your blood.

''Do you know who I am boy? I am Gregor Clegane. I will kill you with a swing of my axe.'' he said

''I thought that you were loyal to the crown. Our Prince made you a knight and now you want to kill his sister?'' Aelius asked him

''Enough talk.'' Gregor shouted and swung his axe barely missing Aelius head. He fought bravely but he was no match for the mountain. His wounds were serious and he had lost a lot of blood.

''Where is the Little Targaryen?'' Gregor asked Aelius. 

''Far. Far away from here. I made sure of it.'' Aelius said. Gregor got angry and sliced his throat open. Aelius fell down now lifeless.

''She won't survive. She is a Targaryen. They are all weak.'' Gregor said and left. 

Adela seeing her savior and friend like this made something inside her break and rage took over her sadness. She took the path to the market stole a horse and left King's Landing.

''I am coming back. But when I come back it will be with an army more powerful than ever and I will return as Princess Adela Targaryen to reclaim what is mine and kill Gregor Clegane.''she vowed as she was leaving her home.

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