I saw him reach his pocket and grab something, I raised a brow.

He brought out his phone and typed something, I think his password I guess? Then suddenly he showed me his phone and to my surprise, his wallpaper was me sleeping in the garden.

I panicked for a second and blushed, I quickly reached for his phone but he was fast enough to lift it up with his long arms. I grunt, why am I so small?! I was jumping so I could reach it but it was still no use. 

I was about to kick him when he suddenly runs and I chased him right away. 

He was so annoying bullying me now stalking me? is that normal? of course not!  I thought

I was so embarrassed about how we look like kids playing tag and Kass was just smiling playfully at me as he teases me showing the screen of his phone, that's it enough with the games.

I lost in the crowd and Kass seemed confused because he loses the track of me, I sneak on his side and grab him by his collar and saw that he instinctively locked his phone. 

I reached for his phone and opened it

"Password" I said in the "imma beat yo ass later" tune.

"Guess" he said teasingly

I tried his name, his full name, they are no use. I even tried using 1234 and 0000, still no use! I was still guessing when someone thug-looking guys showed in front of us.

"Well well well look at this two love birds!" A man who looks like the leader of the group

"Kassadin is she your girlfriend can we barrow her?" Said someone who looks like a typical face of a Maniac, I rolled my eyes it is always the guys that have no future.

"Sorry not sorry, but she's mine" he said as he grabs my wrist and put me behind him, I looked at him in "bitch, what the fuck?" look

"Uhm I'm sorry too because I'm not yours" I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I pushed him away

I took a step and stand in front of I think 40- 50 guys, damn they are really hindering the innocent people from shopping here.

"And you, you can't borrow me you are all too ugly, can ya'll step aside? you guys are blocking the way" I said coldly making them angry.

"You are not even beautiful!" someone ugly faced said

" ha ha it's always the ugly one, you are not even close to the word handsome" I chuckled as I scanned him from up to down.

Kass facepalmed and we can also see that people were starting to look at us.

"We are gangster you should feel fear" someone shouted, that is the most cringe thing I've ever heard, i laughed 

" Oh gosh, Is it weird that im more scared of your faces? Cuz' damn I think ya'll come straight out of a horror movie" I said and smiled evilly

"This bitch!" one of them shouted and tried to punch me when smoothly catch his arm and throw him to the ground. 

"Okay no touching me with your filthy hands" I smiled at them

They all looked at me and the riot starts, as I was calmly pushing and kicking the thugs because they are too stinky for me, I checked Kass who is now punching and kicking the guys who are coming after him.

Meh he can manage his himself  I thought

Many people were screaming in fear some were amazed and some already called the police.

A man was coming for me but before he could reach me, I kicked his private part causing him to fall on his knees. Someone approached me and was about to grab my hair but I stopped his hand punching his face causing his nose to bleed and fall. 

We stopped them from approaching us because they started to help their 'fallen gang mates'.

This is far from what I had expected to this day. Kass and I were panting crazy, suddenly I feel someone is going to attack me but then I spun around and kick across his face causing him to lose consciousness.

"Wow that girl is awesome!"  "I want to be like her!" "That boy is so handsome!"

We suddenly heard sirens outside the mall and we hurried up and exit the scene. We headed to the parking lot and find my motorcycle.

"That was great" he said while smiling

"All because of that picture we got in trouble" I rolled my eyes, I gave up on that picture he could have them.

Kassadin's POV

We ran out from the mall because we heard police were coming, I can't deny Kris was so cool back then she looks so independent on her own and I respect her for that.

"That was great" I said with a smile

"All because of that picture we got in trouble" she rolled her eyes, well at least she's not making me delete that picture now Kass - 1 Kris - 0

She rode her bike and put on her leather gloves, I observed her as she prepares herself to leave, and not realizing I was caught in a daze of her, she was far away from my type of a woman, but damn, I was so drawn to her beauty and charisma, I feel like a girl whose fangirling with some guy, why are you making me feel like this Kris?

"Let's just finish the painting in my house hop in" she said, I hopped in and was about to wrap my arms around her waist but she stopped it.

"On shoulders,"  she said, I pouted and place my hand on her shoulders

"Hold on tight if you dont want to fall" she said and start the engine, I felt nervous as soon as the sound of the engine started

I held her shoulders tight and she started to drive

Kristina's POV

I felt her grip tightened on my shoulders, maybe he's not used to riding a motorcycle. I carefully drove at home and as the ride take its time I felt his grip loosened. 

I smirked and suddenly drove fast and Kass suddenly screamed for his life I chuckled and continue to smoothly drive dodging the cars in the road.

This is for ruining my peaceful weekend I thought

We arrived at my home and parked my motorcycle.

"You still alive?" I asked him holding my laughter because his face was so priceless

"I think my soul left there" he said in monotone

"Come on you're being dramatic" I said as I open the front door of my house and went in 

Kris follows me and sat on the couch and look around the house

"Come on let's go to our garden" i said to him as I offered him a glass of water.

We both headed into the garden and leave him there for a second to grab my materials.

I can't believe the day was just starting.

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