Chapter 24: Romance-- The Werewolf's Way

Start from the beginning

I walk through the door, and sit, front row. While Tristin sits in the very back row, with the other douchebag slackers. I toss my bag off my shoulder, then pull out my math notebook and the matching textbook. My teacher anounces the pagea we should do and the notes we'll be taking from those pages. The class sighs simultaneously, but turns to the pages anyway. I can't complain, I'm thankful to have something normal happening in my life. Our teacher tells us that if we need help, to get it from each other.

I flash a small smile at Shelby andstart to write the measurements and equations on a piece of notebook paper.

I see out of the corner of my eye, a guy thta I don't like anymore, walking towards me. I turn to him before he sits down behind me, and lock eyes with him. I shake my head, so slightly that someone who hadn't been paying attention wouldn't have noticed. Tristin turns back around and walks back to his friends. I look at Shelby, and I see her astonished face. "Just because you have to listen to him, doesn't mean I do," I tell her. "That's one of the perks of not being a werewolf. One of the only ones."

She shrugs the last part of my sentence off, and we both turn back to our work.

The only good thing about not being a werewolf, I think.

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I reach for his hand and intertwine our fingers. I go up onto my toes, and give Dax a peck on the cheek. "Hey beautiful," He says, through a wide-spread smile.

"How was your day?" I ask him as we walk out to his truck. 

He shrugs. "School-y."

I chuckle. "Mine too," I agree.

"We could've stayed in the tr-" 

"But," I interrupt. "It was nice to have just one normal day."

"Did Moonlight-alpha-bitch give you any problems?" He asks me.

And I shake my head at him. "He knows better, now that he knows you don't take things lightly."


By now we're at his truck. so I walk to the other side and climb in. He turnss the key and after stalling a little, the truck roars to life. "Could we go to the creek?" I ask him, making apuppy dog face.

"You don't have to do that. I was taking you there anyway." I giggle, and turn back to the road.

I pull my legs onto the seat and against my chest, then glance down at our hands when he grabs mine. When I feel his eyes on my face, I look up at him and give him a smile. Playfully slapping him on the shoulder, I say, "Hey, eyes on the road." I laugh slightly, and he chuckles. "Do we have to have this conversation everytime I let you take me somewhere?"

He brings my handto his lips and gently kisses, making sure to keep his eyes on the road- only glancing at me quickly with mischevious eyes. His lips leave a nice burn on my skin, and it send goosebumps up my arms.

I roll my window down and stick hand out of it, moving my hand with the wind. I hear the song playing in the stereo speakers, the volume barely up at all. I find a smile on my face and reach for the volume button, turning it up almost all the way. I sing along to one of my favorite songs ever, "Amarillo Sky". 

I love the smile Dax looks at me with, and I can't wipe the smile I've got off my face either. When we get to the park, the song ends with perfect timing. Dax turns the truck off and comes over to my side, helping me down. He takes my hand and, although he knows I know where we are going and how to get there, leads me down the lightly worn path to the creek.

It feels like it takes longer than usual, but eventually we reach the clearing. I release his hand swiftly and roll my pants up, then remove my shoes and socks. II sit on a rock on the side of this creek, and stick my feet into the sandy mud. I heave a deep sigh, and lean back on my hands. "This is so... nice," I say. "Dax?"

I look over at him, but he's staring off into the dark green forest. I don't even have to ask what he's thinking. "He's not going to try anything, ever again," I tell him. "Not while you're around."

I stand up and walk over to him, in barefeet. I grab his hand, tugging on it, trying to make him move. I take his other hand and, now holding both of them, I play with his fingers, still trying to get his attention. Nothing's working, I think to myself, and deliberate on how to get my boyfriend to zone back in. "Dax?" I say, a questioning tone in my voice. His eyes glance down at me, but only barely.

That's when I get an idea. I reach up behind behind his neck and pull myself up onto my toes, and let our lips touch gently. When he doesn't kiss me back, I kiss him harder, and finally get a reaction, though small. His lips barerly move against mine, but they move. I try to stay optimistic, but I'm getting worried.

He knows how much his silence is bothering me, and he doesn't care. "It's not that I don't care," He interrupts my thoughts. "Please don't underestimate how much I care."

I see a tear lingering in his eye, and I can't help but pull him into my arms. "I don't, Dax. I swear, but..." I take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "You're the one who can read minds. Not me. You have to tell me what you're thinking. You can't just zone out like that and expect me not to be worried, okay?" He nods curtly, then pressses his lips into mine, in a apologetic type of way, and I kiss him back. 

He pulls back, just barely, so that his lips are barely away from mine. I can feel his breath hitting my mouth as he talks. "Sorry," He mumbles.

"I know it," I mumble back, and grab the back of his neck amd pull him lips back to mine.

We stay like this in the silence for a while, and it's peaceful. His tongue traces my bottom lip, making me smile. His hands settle on my hips, and I place one hand on his chest, and wrap my other arm around his neck. Using that arm, I pull my body as close to his as possible. We don't stay like this for long, because I can feel him having trouble you know... controlling himself. So I pull back but still take his hand and lead him to the edge of the forest, where there's enough woods that there's enough leaves to cusion the ground, but far enough from the trees, that you can actually see the sky. He sits before I do, and lays back putting his hands behind his head. I lay my head on his chest, but in a way that I'm not leaning on him completely. I toss my hair out from under my neck, and I can feel him begin to play with it, twirling it between his fingers. I stare up at the sky, as he ssun starts to set.

The once light blue sky turns yellow, then orange, then purple then finally dark navy. I close my eyes and take in the smell around us. The pine trees, mixed wih the scent of freshwater, and I can smell Dax's cologne. I sit hear in peace with my boyfriend, loving every second of it.

My peace is very short lived, though, because I get a little worried. I know my mom's wondering where I am. I get up and brush the dirt off of my butt. I extend a hand to Dax, offering my help up. He groans and whines, "Why? Why can't we just stay here all night?" He offers.

I chuckle, "Because we're teenagers and I have curfew." He takes my hand, pulling himself up, and he continues to hold it as we start to walk the path to his truck. "Plus, last time I broke curfew I ended up in the ER without any memory of what happened." I reflect back to that day. It feels so much longer ago than two days.

I sigh and look up at Dax. The moonlight hits hs face in just the right places. It reflects off his dark hair. We finally reach his truck and I walk to the passenger side door, never letting go of his hand, until he opens the door for me. Before getting in, I turn to him and steal one more glance of him in the moonlight.  I get really close to him, and place a quick kiss onto his lips, the, letting it linger there, say, "Thanks, mate." I feel a little silly for saying it, especially because I'm not even the werewolf in this relationship, but I don't regret it. The smile it brings is irreplacable, and it brings a grin to my lips as well. He presses his smile into mine, in a brief kiss, then walks over to the driver's side after helping me in.

He starts the truck and drives me home. 

He pulls up in front of my homem, and gives me one long kiss then says, "I love you, Laney."

"I love you too, Dax," I answer.

"I know," He tells me. 

I smile and wave at him before closing the front door of my house and my heart's beating three times as fast as it should. 

I fall asleep that night just thinking about how unusaually great this monday was.

Best monday ever, I think.

And it is.

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