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Finally, the weekend. It was early morning. I listened to the rain as it danced upon the roof. I laid there in bed listening to the blissful calming pitter patter. The rain always had a way of relaxing my mind.

I got up and got dressed. I tried to remember more of my dream from last night. I tried to decipher if any of it could be real. The dream was a variation of the same dream I'd had in the hospital on the first night I met Liam.

I was transported back to the hospital. Wearing a white flowing nightgown, I once again stepped out onto the hospital ledge, but Liam was not there to meet me this time. I was still ten stories up, following the same diamond that floated in the night sky like it had before. I walked off the ledge unafraid, feeling the cold brisk air whip gently at my face. Alone this time, I glided safely to the ground. I was met by Trevor, holding his gun. Pointing it steadily at me, he pulled the trigger. I watched the bullet slowly come toward me, then soft hands created electricity through my body as they gently moved me out of the way. The bullet struck Liam in the chest. I observed in horror, but my misery was short-lived as I watched the bullet bounce off of Liam. My dream ended as Liam turned to me, his gaze piercing my soul "Erika, my Diamond, wake up! You are in grave danger."

My thoughts about Liam and my dream were interrupted when Alyssa walked into my room. "Hey Erika, do you have my green army jacket?"

"No, it's too big on me. Why would I have it?"

"Uggghhh! I can't find it anywhere. I'm so annoyed. I have a date with Anthony and it's freakin raining! Now I have to figure out a whole new outfit. I planned on wearing this one all week." Alyssa waved her hands over her body, showing me her cute shorts and crop top.

Anthony was the star of the football team, and this was going to be Anthony and Alyssa's first date. I knew she was nervous. I was happy for Alyssa; Anthony was one of the cutest and smartest guys in school.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We were supposed to go paddleboat in the river, but now I think we're just gonna go bowling or something."

"Why don't you wear your skinny jeans with that beige top you wore last week? That looked good."

"Erika, I just wore that last week. Don't you know anything about fashion? You have to wait at least a month before you recycle the same exact outfit."

I didn't know anything about fashion. I didn't care. My sister, on the other hand, was obsessed. Obsessed with purses, clothes, shoes. She wrote down her daily outfits on a little notepad just so she could remember not to wear the same outfit too close together and to remind herself of the pairings. I, on the other hand, didn't even own a purse.

"Oh." I tried not to roll my eyes, but I couldn't help it.

"What about my skinny jeans with this top?" Alyssa suggested as she pulled one of my only stylish shirts from my closet.

It didn't matter what Alyssa wore; she always looked good in anything.

"I... I think it'll look good."

"Me too. That's what I'll wear. I can borrow it, right?" But before I could answer, she was heading out the door. She turned one last time to give me some sisterly guidance. "Erika, just a little fashion advice, you should really change those pants. They make you look way too skinny."

I didn't bother changing. I wasn't going anywhere, plus everything made me look too skinny.

My mom took Kai to a birthday party which she begged me to go to; she didn't want me staying home alone, but for some reason a seven-year-old's birthday party was not appealing to me—huh, go figure. After I reassured my mother that I would be fine, she left with Kai. My sister went on her date with Anthony, so by eleven a.m. I had the place all to myself. As I walked around our empty apartment, I settled in on the couch. I turned on the TV, changing through the channels. Nothing was on. I played on my phone, watching videos and reading stories. I was so bored that I actually wished I had a Facebook or Instagram page just so I could pore through the numerous pictures and stories people posted every second of every day. I knew what I was doing; I was trying to keep my mind off Liam. What I really wanted to do was call him. I had Mr. Blithe's number and it was tempting, but I needed today for myself, time to process everything that had happened. I went to my room and picked up the ancient book that awaited me on my nightstand. I brought it out to the living room. As I held the delicate book, I thought about Liam, the Points, the Diamonds, and the so-called powers I was supposed to possess.

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