The New Holders: Part Sixty-Eight

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Ladybug slowly reached out and touched a strand in front of her, and felt a comforting presence run through her body. The golden power worked its way from her head to her toes, healing and soothing her nerves.

"Guys! Touch it!" Ladybug whispered excitedly. "It's a healing power!"

The other three each touched a strand, and felt the same, soothing healing power all over themselves.

Volpina felt her fatigue fade away, and parts of her body that were still sore and aching from being chained up for so long immediately felt so much better.

"Woah..." Chat Noir sighed deeply. "It feels so nice."

"You could say that again!" Jade Turtle grinned. "I haven't felt this well-rested in my whole life!"

Volpina suddenly noticed the ends of the strands were beginning to darken.

"Guys, let go. Something's happening." Volpina pulled away from her strand.

Chat Noir and Ladybug let go almost simultaneously, while Jade Turtle hesitated for a moment before letting go as well.

The ends of the strands began to turn blue, and the blue snaked its way down each strand, leaving behind a grass-green color on the glowing strands. The blue raced its way down the strands, eventually crossing into the other room.

"What's going on?" Ladybug whispered, worry laced in her tone.

"Don't move." Volpina said, gesturing to the strands that surrounded them all. "I don't want to risk seeing what could happen if we touched them when they're green. We're boxed in."

Jade Turtle nodded in agreement. "What do we think is causing this?"

Chat Noir grit his teeth. "I'm the closest to the door... Maybe if I weave through the glowing things, I can see what's happening."

Ladybug shook her head bluntly. "No, we can't risk that. What if you-"

"Chat's the most flexible of us all, Ladybug." Volpina interrupted her. "Have a little faith in him."

Ladybug flinched. "That's not what I..." She began to murmur, but her voice trailed off.

Volpina didn't wait for her to finish. "You can do it, Chat."

Chat Noir, with flexibility beyond incredibility, wove through the strands almost effortlessly. He came out on the other side of the strands, next to a wall that stood between them and the room with Steel Peacock's corpse inside.

Spotting a nearby hole in the wall, Chat Noir peeked through it with one eye. Instantly he recoiled and backed away from the hole, as his eye had been exposed to a brightness he hadn't been prepared for.

"What do you see?" Jade Turtle asked.

Chat looked again, this time prepared for the brightness. 

"There's this person... I think they're standing above Steel Peacock's body... Who is that?" Chat Noir muttered, confused.

"Try describing them. It could help." Jade Turtle chimed in.

"And try describing what's happening as well!" Ladybug requested.

Miraculous Ladybug: The New HoldersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora