"S-Sure" She said.

After they search for their sweaters, they finally found them. They were ugly, and ridiculous, but somehow awesome. Elsa picked a white sweater with the face of a snowman, that was full of sequins and the snowman's hat was made of bright red tinsel. Jack chose an Elf body gray sweater embellished with pompoms and jingle bells. He also decided to buy North a sweater (even if he probably has thousands of them) since he probably was on his way and he forgot to mention the little winters tradition. North's sweated was a large black and green sweater with lots of embellished 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' (Embellished with every Christmas decoration possible).

"Are you going to buy Nic a gift? Asides from the sweater I mean" Elsa asked, observing their sweaters with a funny smile.

"Yeah, I don't know what though" Jack said.

"You can go look for something if you want, Jack. I know I'm keeping you here" Elsa said with a smile. "I'm gonna look for my parents and Anna's gift over there, you can come back when you find something" She suggested, nut quickly widened her eyes. "N-Not that I don't want to be with you, or anything! Because I want to- I mean I like your company! Is just that we-" She tried to say, but Jack was chuckling.

"That we don't have a lot of time. I know, princess. I'm gonna look for something, and then I'll come back to you, okay?" Jack said smirking.

"O-Okay" Elsa stuttered and blushed, to watch him get lost in the store. She sighed.

Elsa finally found gifts for Anna (that was a white sweater that said 'Santa, I tried' and a box of assorted Godiva chocolates; for her mom (a beautiful and soft scarf with a Nordic style pattern) and a little something for Prof. North (reindeer fuzzy socks and a reindeer beanie) she just needed to find something for her dad and she was don-



Jack was walking through the store, he still hadn't found anything for Nic, which was extremely annoying since practically everything was Christmas themed and Nic loved Christmas, so it should be easy for him to find something.

"So" Suddenly a voice said right from behind him, making him jump on his skin. He turned to see Anna smirking at him. "What are you gonna give Elsa for Christmas?" She asked curiously.

"How do you manage to be so sneaky?" Jack asked raising an eye brow.

"I got my ways" Anna shrugged. "But, going back to my question..." Jack blushed, but rolled his eyes.

"I already have a gift for her" He quietly said, and Anna squealed.

"Oh my gosh, really?! Can I see?" Anna said jumping up and down.

"Not yet" Jack said smirking. Anna frowned.

"Aw, why not?" Anna pouted.

"I just want Elsa to see it first" Jack said trying to fight another blush.

Gosh why on heck was he blushing like mad?

"Okay, I just let it pass because I think it's cute that you want her to see it first" Anna said. "Anyway, look at my wonderful Christmas sweater!!" She exclaimed excitedly, showing the green sweater with lots of tinsels wrapping it and lots of pom-poms from different colours. It was a Christmas tree.

Jack just gazed at her like she was crazy.

"Aaaaaand, I bought Kristoff a pair of reindeer pajamas and a Santa Claus themed ball for Sven! What do you say?" Anna asked showing him both items.

"Uh, nice I guess..." Jack just said.

"Great! Okay, I'm gonna since I'm ready I'm gonna wait for you and Elsa near the cashier. Don't take too long!" She said, and disappeared again.

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