"How come you're eating?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Because I have a good chef." He narrows his gaze.

"But aren't you dead or something?"

He smirks, "Yes and no."

"That's awfully vague."

"Eat something."

"Tell me why a pureblooded vampire needs to eat."

He sighs, "Technically I don't need to eat." He places his fork gently on the table and then leans back into his chair. "As long as I consume a healthy amount of blood, I am free to consume anything else that I please." He folds his hands on the table.

I look back down at my food. So he is fully functioning. He is dead, but he is immortal.

"Now eat." He speaks again.

I purse my lips together, "I am not hungry."

"Yes you are. I can hear your insides screaming from over here." he counters.

My cheeks heat up as my heart increases its pounding.

He leans forward, his eyes meeting mine with a higher intensity.

"Now eat."

I don't know how to explain it. It was mind control. My body moved involuntarily as I picked up the metal fork and stabbed it into the chicken. My jaw chews on the meat as I continue to stare at him.

"That's much better." He picks his fork up again. "Now tomorrow, we will have a few visitors. I am hosting a soiree and I expect you to be on your best behaviour." He points the metal object in my direction.

I mentally laugh. Yeah, if I'm still here tomorrow.

What kind of party does a vampire need to throw? I shiver as I think of myself in the middle of a room full of vampires.





The sun has finally set behind the trees after a violent show of color. Now only a small chill makes its way through the dim bedroom.

Now is the time.

I slide off of the bed and reach my hands into my waistband. I pull out a small steak knife that I had swiped from the dinner table. It isn't very sharp, but it will have to suffice.

I need to distract the guard so that I can get past the door.

I walk over to the snow white dresser across the room and pull one of the drawers open. Liam was not lying when he said that somebody filled it. Each drawer is organized. There are plenty of long sleeved shirts, athletic shorts, and joggers filling the drawers. I sift through the drawers until I find a brand new pair of black leggings and a maroon sleeved top. I slip the clothes on. They smell brand new, fresh out of the store.

I slide my feet into my black boots and secure the knife where it is accessible, but hidden.

Now to distract the guard. I need to be smart about this. He is most likely a vampire, meaning he is faster than me. I will need to knock him out cold to ensure that I will have enough time to escape and find Addison.

A small smirk graces my lips as I fix my hair in the mirror. I will play the ultimate card of: girl in distress. I walk back over to the dresser and secure my grip on its edges.

This is going to hurt.

I yank the dresser on top of my body. The dresser and I both go falling for the ground with a loud smash. It is heavier than I was anticipating. Upon impact the sharp edge digs into my side.

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