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Nearly 20 months after Jamie knocked her head on New Years Day


"Wow, is it just me or is this place crowded? Since when have you acquired that many more cat figurines? I can't remember seeing them during the last time I was here!" Jamie remarked.

"You haven't been here since ages ago. After we kissed and made up back in Zurich, we spent time mostly at your place rather than mine because it's more spacious there. Of course you don't remember them. You haven't met them. Actually, I bought them as part of my retail therapy. I was trying to get over you by putting my focus elsewhere. During the time we were apart, countless tubs of ice-creams and designer shoes worked better for Sasha, it didn't quite work for me as much.  You know Sasha, she's a shopaholic, chocoholic and workaholic. Whereas, I'm just the workaholic."  I replied.

"Not long after her monumental meltdown at the Mannington Foyer, Sasha started going out with this new physician who joined her hospital. It was just too soon after the 'episode',  I cautioned her that it looked like a rebound relationship, she denied that it was.  Desmond was sweet and thoughtful, but I don't think he fits the bill as Sasha's dream guy or the type of guy she would go out with, he was actually very different from the guys she used to date, in terms of looks, interests, personality etc. As expected, they broke up pretty quickly, he stayed on at the hospital for just a couple of months before moving elsewhere. I guess it's difficult to work in an environment with ones ex, especially the future boss." 

Jamie bowed her head after hearing what I said. She confirmed that Sasha came clean with her about the people she had dated when they were apart; so she knew about Desmond as well as Henry, Owen, Vincent and Nathaniel. Poor Sasha, she was changing boyfriends like changing clothes to drown her sorrows, and to get over Jamie.  That was so out of character,  break ups generally didn't affect Sasha too much, except for the one with Jamie.  I had never seen her act that way before when she broke up with an ex, and I knew her since High School.

"I took much longer to find someone, hence the exponential increase in my figurine collection. I met this girl, Beverley at the 'All things Pharaohs' fair. We hit it off instantly, mainly because we shared the same passion for collecting cat figurines. Our relationship came to an end because she wanted to move to the next stage and I wasn't ready, I still could not let go of you, my Dr. C. Naturally, we broke off.  She felt that it was suffocating and too crowded to have 3 people in a relationship. Even though in actual fact, you were not physically present or stopping me from being with her, my memories of you were. Not long after, I attempted to start a relationship with Fiona, she was a medical student who worked part time at the café I frequented. It didn't work out. She was too young and immature for me." 

This was the first time I've shared more details about the girls I've dated with Jamie. I am grateful that she gave me space and didn't probe when we got back together. She knew I was no prude, it was practically impossible to believe that I haven't been with anyone when we were not on speaking terms. She knew,  I needed time to work on my trust issues with her, I didn't feel it was the time to divulge these details then. But, it absolutely felt right, now.

Without warning, Jamie suddenly executed a reverse hug on me. I was taken aback momentarily but I relaxed as it made me feel secure. Since being back together, Jamie has fully conveyed her intentions of wanting to protect and shelter me. I must give her credit for her efforts. She had worked extremely hard to build a large amount of trust in our relationship. This action just cemented the fact that she feels taking care of each other is very important to her as it has been for me. 

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