Chapter 15

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Jamie's POV

I blinked so many times and even told Kelly to pinch me. She hasn't met the girls personally but being my ever protective eldest sister, she knew them well enough. I'm sure she would have google-d to find out more about them, how they look, what they did so on and so forth.

Are we seeing what we are seeing? Oh Lawd please have mercy on me. Erica and Takeshi talking to Sasha and CJ? Why and how are they even here in the first place? To make matters worse, they are chatting as if they are acquainted with each other.

We took a brisk walk over.

As expected, Sasha and CJ's faces changed when they saw me. They quickly covered up their uneasiness. Not detecting the tensed atmosphere, Takeshi signaled for us to follow him to the restaurant. This is going to be an awkward lunch and long afternoon, I sighed haplessly to myself.

Erica nudged me, being someone who is remarkably cognizant, she noticed something was amiss. She unconsciously held her hand over her mouth when she found out about Sasha and CJ. It never crossed her mind that Alexandra as well as Christina were in fact the Sasha and CJ she got to know from my stories. She mouthed a silent "sorry" to me for the mess she had unwittingly created. I stroked the back of her hands with my thumbs to assure her that I was fine. I cannot grudge her for being friendly and hospitable.

Erica was the Guest of Honor who officiated the opening of the Neurosurgery Conference. She was the one who hosted all the dinners at the Marriott for the function organized by the University to Zurich. They would have been introduced some time around then. While the conference has ended, Erica is still playing the perfect host to two American doctors holidaying here in Switzerland; one of them, the Keynote speaker of the Conference organized by the University for which she is a Patron and the other, a dinner guest for related functions sponsored by her family.


Sasha's POV

"So what's with women and restrooms? Where are the ladies, what took them so long? Are they playing crossword puzzles after powdering their noses? I'm so starved that I can devour a horse! The food here is excellent, I even skipped morning tea so that I have enough room in my stomach to consume the exquisite dishes" Takeshi looked at all of us and joked, lightly patting his stomach. Funny man indeed.

"How's Jamie? Is she enjoying her stay at the Atlantis? Sometimes I just don't understand this sister of mine. Her brother has the family penthouse suite and wait staff of this luxurious hotel ready at her beck and call; yet, she decides to run off to the Giardino place."

"Sorry Takeshi, it's totally my fault. I convinced her to spend more time with me there. Please accept my sincerest apologies for whisking her away from her beautiful family. I can arrange for her to be brought back here if you so wish."

"Yes, if you don't mind. Tell her that my wife misses her. By the way, are you taking good care of my sister? You know that I will not hesitate to break your leg if you hurt her."

"She's fine. She's enjoying the shopping and sightseeing tremendously. I wouldn't think of hurting her at all, Takeshi."

"Seriously, I don't care if you are of the fairer sex, you know that I would make good on my threat if you upset her. That girl is precious to my wife and me."

I've changed my mind about my earlier assessment on Takeshi Shaw, not such a funny man after all, I see.

Ahhh, so, Erica was the VIP who had booked the Atlantis. It appears to me that one of Europe's most eligible bachelorette is finally hitched.

CJ muttered in my ear, "It's about time the Time Magazine do an update of their interview, Erica Lindt is no longer single and available. There goes my crush!"

Obviously this Jamie Shaw is not my Brown Eyes but I still felt a pang of hurt in my heart whenever I hear the J word. CJ gave me a knowing look and mildly squeezed my elbow. She knows how I feel. It's the same with her. We understood each other's gestures and body language. We both spent so much time together, crying and trying to get over Jamie, without success. As consolation, we got to know each other so much better than before.

"Here they are, finally!" Takeshi waved to his wife, lo and behold, CJ and I had to do a double-take. Brown Eyes?!! I can't see my own facial expression but I can certainly see CJ's. I pinched her and quickly masked the shock on my face. Seeing Takeshi's wife Kelly, we put two and two together. Kelly is exactly an older version of Brown Eyes, just a couple of inches shorter in stature. She is the elder sister of Brown Eyes, Dr. Carrington, Our Jamie.

So there is no Jamie Shaw, it has always been Jamie Carrington, Takeshi's "sister" in law. I suddenly felt faint. CJ held on to steady my steps. Of all the Jamie(s) in the world, the person upstairs decides that it is amusing to make us have lunch with Our Jamie and her Erica. What a cruel joke this is! I had enjoyed my relaxing stay in Zurich and it's now going to be all downhill from here on.

I bet CJ is now doubly dispirited about Erica being taken. I can feel the dejection seeping through my veins. Subconsciously, I still held a teeny-weeny bit of hope behind the back of my mind that I could get back together with Brown Eyes. This has now dissipated, entirely.

I can't wait to finish lunch, go back to my suite, lock the doors and cry my eyes out. CJ is welcome to join me anytime.



Dreamy Blue Eyes has a girlfriend! I recalled her talking about a partner but Takeshi Shaw's conversation with her just confirmed that she's with his sister. Not that I want to sound too dramatic "Why is this world so unkind? The good ones are all taken!" I thought to myself. Just then, I heard the grown man yelp. He was waving to two ladies, one much younger than the other and somewhat similar looking from this distance. I could not put my finger on it but there seemed to be some familiarity in the way one of them walked. When they got closer, I had to do a double take! My Doctor Carrington is standing in front of us. I could feel my demeanor changed instantly. I felt a pinch from Sasha. I hastily put up a façade to cover my edginess.

So, let me get this straight, my Crush is seeing my Doctor. Wait a minute!!! Is this some absurd story that is being conjured up in the mind of its creator? Would such coincidences happen in the real world? I lost my Doctor 6 months ago and I lost my crush 6 minutes ago, AND they have been together all these while? Seriously, I need to take a mix of Ibuprofen and Tylenol soon. I can already feel the onset of a very massive headache.

What the Hell??!!! What have I gotten myself and Sasha into when I so eagerly said yes to Erica's lunch invitation?


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