Chapter 1

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Jamie's POV

What happened? Where am I? Flashes of lights... commotion...... chaos... more shouts... I can't make out what was said...everything is a blur...I can only see shadows... is that an angelic voice... calling for me?

Say something Jamie... Say anything for goodness sake... Scream... Answer... I willed myself... darkness consumed me.


...White... Everything is so clinical...So bright... I instinctively raise my left hand to shield my eyes from the glare. I quickly closed my eye lids and flutter my eyelashes to adjust my vision slowly.

"Doctor! Doctor! My buddy's awake!" I heard my best friend Taylor's voice. I can't see him, I'm still adjusting my eyesight to the bright lights. I tried calling him. Nothing came out from my mouth. I licked my dry lips and tried again. All I could hear was a groan. My throat feels parched. I feel disorientated. I feel weak. I close my eyes again.

I heard footsteps not too far away. I heard Taylor's voice again. He was talking to someone but I could not make out their conversation. I strained my ear, but I still could not discern what was being said.

"Ms. Carrington, are you awake? I am Doctor Manning" I slowly open my eyes and try to focus on the person standing in front of me. A pair of emerald green eyes looked back at me with the most genuine and expressive smile. 

 "Hey, buddy! I am so glad that you are OK" Taylor's voice echoed in my ear but I was too mesmerized by the porcelain doll with sandy blonde hair to acknowledge him. 

"Ermmm... Y-yes doctor" I stuttered. Doctor Manning took her time to check on me and asked some basic questions such as my name and what I could remember before I was sent to the hospital.  I told her my name but I couldn't quite remember where I was prior to being brought here.  I scrunched my face and whimpered when I noticed a dull pain on the right of my forehead. 

 "How are you feeling?" A worried looked flashed across her face.

"I feel like shit" 

She smiled and assured me that I will get better. I promptly apologized to her. I was so embarrassed by my sudden outburst. 

 "Welcome back Jamie!" Taylor smirked. 

 Doctor Manning excused herself and promised to check on me later.

Immediately after the good doctor left us, my buddy went into somewhat of a verbal diarrhea. It was like he hasn't spoken to me for ages. God! How long have I been sleeping?! Apparently I hit my head on the pavement when I lost my balance during a New Year's Eve celebration at Time Square. I was out partying with Taylor and a few friends. We were rather intoxicated. 

When Fern broke off with me, the guys thought I needed some form of distraction so they brought me out to party. Well technically, Fern and I didn't really break off, we mutually agreed to give each other some space. So, I supposed she is still my girlfriend? Just separated?  I don't really know how to define our relationship. It's complicated. 

She's going to backpack around the world for the next year to, in her own words, "find herself" whatever that means.


Dr. Fern Pembroke was my best friend at college. We were roommates. I was doing Law and she did a Medical Degree. She was my shoulder to cry on when Janine and I fell out of love. Despite her busy schedule as a Cardio-thoracic surgeon, she still found time to console me when Gretchen dumped me and went her merry way to some god forsaken part of Mongolia. Our friends were delighted when we finally announce that we were an official couple. I thought we were soul mates. But alas, somehow, somewhere along the way, our love lost its sparkle and fizzled out. We are still in touch though.  She is currently somewhere in India  and I'm here in New York mulling over another of my relationship failure.


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