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Werewolf, a creature we have only seen in movies, books and sometimes in our nightmares but what if I tell you that they are not fictional characters. What if I tell you that they are real and live with us in our country, our state, our city and even in our homes.

I know you don't believe me  and why would you. I'm just a stranger telling you to believe me just because I myself believe a stranger. Before I met her even I didn't believe in werewolves and again why would I because if I did I am pretty sure I would be in an Asylum right now, yet here I am telling a bunch of strangers to believe that werewolves exist just because I think I met one.

I know I sound crazy right now and not even just to you but to myself too. The thing is that sometimes things happen that change the way you look at life. When I boarded my flight I didn't think that I would meet her. I never thought I would meet someone so outgoing, friendly and just absolutely amazing. She was different, she made me an introvert talk freely to a complete stranger on a 23 hour long flight. When I entered the plane I didn't think that I was going to have to listen to the story of a lifetime. I didn't think that I would come out believing that werewolves might actually be real but I guess sometimes things don't go as planned.

My plan was quite simple just get through the flight without talking to anyone because to be frank I am a very socially awkward person. I can't even start proper conversation with my friends let alone strangers. So when she started talking to me, to be quite honest I thought I was going to shoot down each and every attempt at small talk that she threw my way but surprisingly I didn't. Again which was quite weird but she just had this friendly demeanor to her. She made you feel welcomed which was something I never felt and before any of you start I know the phrase Stranger Danger but she was just so friendly, nice and just outright awesome that it was hard not to talk to her.

She said her name was Rose Walter and I introduced myself as Kate Williams. We started talking and I thought we were gonna talk for a few minutes and then we would go back to our phones, laptops or whatever but those minutes turned into hours without me noticing and half way through the flight she asked me if I wanted to hear a story and I was quite bored so I thought why not.

As she started telling me the story I have to say it was quite intriguing but there was something that I noticed. Halfway through the story it started to feel a bit real, the way she expressed every feeling and every emotion it felt as if she knew all the things too well as if she was there to live through it. As her story ended our flight had also landed.

As we reached the checkout counter one question was eating me alive so without any further adieu I asked her that where did she learn this story from and she smiled and said that she didn't have to learn it from anyone because she was there to live through it. I stood there gobsmacked with my mouth wide open as she winked at me and walked away.

Now there were many things I could have said but I didn't. I don't know why I stood there and watched her walk away. It might  be due to the fact that I wanted to believe her even though her story was something but I could not for my life imagine as something that happened in real life. It looked like something out of the wildest figment of my imagination.

But there was one thing that it was one hell of a story.

Now before I start to tell you something that might make you believe that I'm crazy. Here's a few things that you should know.

1. Werewolf - A werewolf or occasionally lycanthrope is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction. Basically a human that can convert into a gigantic wolf.

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