Chapter 12

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Naruto's POV

We only have 2 more days until the mission and I still haven't packed the necessary supplies since I've been to busy because of the upcoming chunin exams.

Well at least I've already sent ninja's to go get the rest of the team that will be accompanying me, Sasuke and the others. The ninja I sent are to tell them to meet me at the Hokage building in 2 hours.

Right now I was sitting at the table eating breakfast along with my wife and 2 wonderful children.

"Hey dad?" asked Boruto.

"Yes." I replied drinking some of my juice.

"Can you teach me some new jutsu for the chunin exams?" he asked eyes full of hope.

"When I return from my mission I will. deal?" he frowned.

"Never mind then... I'll train with Hikari. He always has time for me unlike you." he whispered the last part heading outside.

"Wait. I said I'd train you when I come back."

"You always say that and never do." he said.

"What? That's not true Boruto."

"Yes it is, you tell other ninja to train me! Is that what you think training me means! No dad its not, I want you to teach me your jutsu and fighting skills not random ninja!" I looked at his running figure shocked by his words.

"Boruto come back here!" I yelled getting up to go get him. When I opened the door he was already out of sight. I sighed.

"He just needs some time to cool off honey. He'll get over it." Hinata tried to make me feel better.

"He's right though..." I chuckled bitterly. While Hinata looked at me with both concern and confusion.

"Is everything alright honey?" she asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, its just that I just remembered how I would always tell Sasuke to spend more time with Sarada that she might feel neglected but I'm doing the same exact thing with not only Boruto but Himawari too." I told her.

"Naruto you're Hokage, you can't expect to have time for everything, but I will always be by your side to help you." I smiled down at her. She held my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Thank you Hinata."

2 hours later

I arrived at the building about an hour and a half ago so I could get everything together at my office.

I was checking over some files when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said looking up from my paperwork to see who it was.

In arrived Sakura, Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba, and Sai. All of them were confused as to why they were all here.

"Hey Naruto whats the big Idea? Why are all of us going on a mission together? If this is the team you're sending then it must be pretty important." Kiba said annoyed.

"I'm sure Naruto has his reasons." Sai tried calming him down.

"Anyway, all of you will be assigned on a mission. A mission that I will be accompanying you wit-" before I could finish I was interrupted by Kiba.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH you're Hokage Naruto! You can't be going on missions as if you're an original ninja! What are you thinking!?" I sighed.

"If you'd let me explain I could tell you." I said.

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