Chapter 14 - The Move

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"I call Brandon!" Christopher shouts from the doorway.

"Fuck off" Nicholas counters. "He's with me."

My brother makes a sound of displeasure, "He's not sleeping with either of you" he snaps, which has me flushing on my spot. He turns to me, "Your own room" he states.

Milo gives my brother a look, "Their mating will be very soon, Ian. While it does set claim on him, it is necessary to keep your brother safe."

"I do not want to talk about my little brother sleeping with anyone" he growls out.

I flush even more, "Can you wait until I'm not here- or something?"

Milo rolls his eyes at me before turning to my brother, "Through their mating, Christopher and Nicholas will be connected to Brandon. It will help in knowing where he is, how he's feeling, and eventually if he's safe or not. This can help greatly should anything happen."

"I still don't like any of this creepy werewolf shit" he grumbles. "Fucking creepy bastards" he adds.

"You don't have to" Milo assures which has my brother looking at him icily, "It will keep Brandon safe and that is all that matters. Once you and he are inducted into the pack, anyone in town will be able to recognize you and eventually step in to keep you two safe. Until then, the mating is our best option. Besides, werewolves are very possessive creatures. Christopher and Nicholas have suppressed their urge to claim Brandon for the sake of him not knowing about us. Seeing as he does, in fact, know about us, it won't be long before their wolves make a move to finish the mating."

My brother scowls but doesn't say anything in return. I move towards him and snuggle into his side, his good arm sliding around my shoulder to pull me close. We hadn't talked about this whole situation between us. Then again, I hadn't talked to Christopher or Nicholas alone since yesterday and I knew they craved to ask questions or- like I knew Nicholas wanted- simply hold me. It was still a mess.

"Gage will be coming over tomorrow" Milo says and I nod with a small smile. He was terrifying, but it was good to know he and Milo were good friends. Milo turns to my brother, "He's an ally pack- on our eastern border. You two came from our Southeastern border. I can only assume he will too. For now, do you want to come with me and the others so we can learn more about who is after you? We have a map that could help."

My brother hesitates but I give his side a small squeeze and he sighs with a nod. He turns to me, as if to tell me to stay inside when he remembers where we were. He resorts to brushing my hair back before standing and following after Milo. Probably to the room with the black table. Once he's gone, I look back to Cody and watch as he tilts his head a little from beside Michael. The next half hour is spent with us talking, Christopher and Nicholas going up to join the others after giving me a kiss. We talked more about them, about how packs worked.

It was only when I turn to Lukas' uncles that I feel a wave of embarrassment hit me and I look down while touching my glasses. Cody hums a little to get my attention, "I know how you feel" he finally says.

My throat closes a little and I raise my eyes, heart pounding. "I don't need your pity" I return, turning away from them both. I could see Lukas beside Gabby and the others so I don't turn their way either. Basically, I look down because if I turned to my left, I would see Cody and Michael, then I would see Gabbie and the guys, or I would see Lane and Dexter.

"I don't like pity" Cody says and I watch him warily as he leaves Michael to come sit next to me. He smiles, "I know how you feel because I felt like that too" he says and I furrow my brows at that. He shrugs slowly, "My father touched me too."

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