Chapter 2: Reality

Start from the beginning

"Scott." I said


"I.. I..." I stuttered

Without a word he crashed his lips against mine. In that moment I felt the passion that I felt when we first kissed, this kiss brought back memories. I melted into his body surrendering my lips to his forgetting the monster he turned into and remembering the guy who I first met. He pulled away and I seen the sparkle in his green eyes, love showed but it was quickly replaced with anger and hatred. He grabbed my face again, his grip was tight

"Do you love me?" He asked with a hit of irritation in his voice

I wasn't sure anymore, I do love him, but not who he is now. I did love him, before the abuse started. I knew if I didn't tell him what he wanted to hear he would hurt me

"I..I..I..yes." I said

I was hoping he wouldn't catch on to my lie. He tightened his grip making me moan in pain

"You're lying." He said as he narrowed his eyes

"I used to." I said as I closed my eyes

After a few silent seconds I reopened my eyes to see him just staring at me. The expression on his face showed nothing, no emotion. He tightened his grip harder and I cried out in pain

"Scott, stop it hurts." I cried

"Say you love me." He said

"I can't."

I felt my feet lift off the ground as he lifted me up and he tossed me, and I hit the ground with a huge thump. I lost all the air in my lungs as I hit back first

"Say it." He demanded

I didn't want to but it was the best thing I could do right now. He came to my breathless body and he pined my arms to the ground and straddled me

"I love you." I struggled to say

Every breath felt like pins and needles as I tried to recover from the blow

"Good. You better, I'm the only one who will love you. You'll never find someone who will love your ugly body." He said with a snarl

"I know." I said quietly

He laughed as he got off me and headed out of my room and shut my door. When I was able to move I got up and I could feel the pain in my back from my hard fall. I needed to go out today I wanted to get away from him

'Rise in revolution
Everybody one for all sound off this is the call
Rise like we're alive
Tonight we rise
Rise' My phone rang

I ran to it and pulled it out of the pocket of my pants. I must have forgotten that it was there last night. I picked the phone up and answered it


"Hi Mia can you come into work today, Kat quit and we need someone to fill in the shift starts at 9. Could you do it?" My boss said

This was my escape. I could go to work for the day and not be here, this was perfect

"Yeah sure I'll be right in." I said

"Thanks so much." She said

"It's no problem."

"See you when you get here bye." She said and hung up

I got dressed quickly and I crept over to the bathroom, I did my hair, brushed my teeth, and makeup to cover up the rest of the hand print and the finger marks that were still present on my face. After a few minuets I was ready to go. I checked my phone to see the time, I don't why I didn't look earlier, it was 8:30 I have just enough time to get to work. I walked to the front door and slipped on my shoes. Scott was sitting on his normal chair facing the TV, he wasn't paying attention until I touched the door handle

"Where are you going?"

"To work." I said


"Kat quit they need help." I said

"Don't be flaunting yourself." He said

"I'm not a whore." I said

"Bullshit, you skank." He said

I didn't say anything back, this is just the verbal abuse I get every day. I'm used to it by now

"Bye." I said

I opened the door and slammed it. I went off to work like it was just a natural morning. I had a fake smile on my face as I walked into the street. Hiding the pain from everyone around me, this is my reality

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