Chapter 52: Twist and Shout

Start from the beginning

"So what do we do? How?" Fitz asked.

"How do you feel about a little party?" Lizzie asked with a smirk.

After we ran down the plan for the warehouse with them, we started to continue preparations for everything while Susie, Lizzie, and my father poofed them back home so they could set up things on their end. I went with Lizzie to help Susie tend to the moon plants that had taken well in the ground that looked up directly to the sky so the moon could freely shine on them.

Eve worked with my mother, Cora, and Frieda to ensure the newly cured rogues. Some of them were doing quite well, but some were still struggling.

Keeping busy helped–it helped keep my mind off of him. It's not like it was easy, the bond was there still waking up and thumping at me to pay attention. I wanted to pay attention and feed it but I knew that it was for Ethan's own safety that I hold off a little longer. She would know if we took him and kept him up here and she would know if he suddenly behaved differently unless he could hide it which after our reunion, I doubt either of us could.

"Riley has everything ready?" my mother asked.

"Yes mam," Jake answered. "He's got all the arrangements set up. We'll be waiting here for you."

"Alright then," my father said. "Let's go to a little party."

Lizzie walked over to me and took my hand as she reached into a pouch that she had stashed in her purse. "Ready Char?"

"Let's go," I replied as we hugged each other, Susie pulling Cora close to her while my father wrapped my mother up in his arms.

I closed my eyes as Lizzie pulled me closer before she tossed the powder down–moon dust powder, and we were pulled. It felt like jumping into a pool and having all the bubbles rush over your skin. Riley's office was the only place on my mind as we fell through the air towards it.

The first time I used this powder, the moon dust, I ended up in the middle of an ocean of some sort. My father had to come get me then take me home where he made me practice in our living room until everything I heard something crack I automatically started to brace myself for the landing that would come after.

With the powder, you have to focus on where you want to go and only that place. You have to clear your mind and fill it with the destination. For the longest time, I would poof myself to a treehouse–the treehouse on the other side. It was like the same one Ethan and I had visited Lucas and Luca before. My father had to come find me, he said that I was still thinking of Ethan; that the treehouse was a place closest to Ethan which is why the dust took me there.

It felt like it took forever until I could fully clear my mind and use the dust properly. I was still horrible at landing, but not as bad as Lizzie. Lizzie fell on her ass every single damn time. Clutz.

Lizzie however, was horrible at landing. While I landed fine in the middle of Riley's office, Lizzie lost her balance and then tumbled over–causing me to fall over as well. "Dammit, Lizzie!"

"Sorry, still working on the landing part," she said as we untangled ourselves and crawled up.

"You should have practiced more," Susie told her.

"I did!" Lizzie shot back as she jumped up. "It's just, well poofing is hard."

"Yes, that was weird," Cora said while she looked around.

Eve laughed and nodded as my parents landed in the room. "It's certainly something."

"Charlotte! Oh goodness I am so glad to see that you're not dead!"

I turned with a smile to look at Riley, Nate, and Darren looking back at me. Riley had a glass of scotch and water in his hand while Nate and Darren looked at us with wide eyes. "And I am glad to see that you are all alright," I said as I walked over to him and hugged him.

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