"Oh so I have to tell you I'm coming to America while you get engaged and I had to hear it from my mother? You know our mothers talk Dante."

"Ah so sorry my friend-"

"And here you are in your whorehouse and not with your women? She must not be a looker?"

"No no, she's beautiful. I just needed to handle a few things here." Vito shook his head.

"Always buried in your work Dante. Go home. See your beautiful soon to be wife and then we can go out to eat yes? I'll see you two at around nine, my place." He said as he shook my hand and left out my office. I sighed and looked at the time. It was four going on five.

"Damn!" I grabbed a few things then left out.


It was about five o'clock in the afternoon when I finally made it home. When I got home I quickly showered and changed. And noticed I a lot of missed calls and text messages from Kelin. I sighed and called him back.

"What did you want?"

"Where were you Dante- Never mind where are you now?"

"I'm home- where are you?"

"I just pulled up. Me and Carney are back. I took her to see Red."

"Okay." I hung up and waited for them to walk in. When they did they were both laughing and Carney looked absolutely stunning. The outfit she was wearing took my breath away. I don't remember buying such clothes?

"Ah! I found him Carney!" Kelin said and Carney rolled her eyes and walked passed me

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"Ah! I found him Carney!" Kelin said and Carney rolled her eyes and walked passed me. I smirk and shake my head.

"Carney." I turn around and follow her.

"What Dante?"

"Where did you get those clothes from?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Are you serious? You've been gone all day and that's what you ask? Where the fuck have you been?"

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" She shook her head and took her heels off.

"I was having an amazing day until you came home." She pushed passed me to walk down the hall.

"Look here p-"

"- could you just leave me alone Dante!? Damn! I just wanna change out these clothes and relax."

"No, we have dinner plans. Pick something casual." She looked annoyed.

"With who?"

"My old friend. And he wants to meet my fiancé."Carney narrowed her eyes.

"You don't have friends. And I'm not your real fiancé."



"So tell me Carney why are you with Dante? His good looks, money, is he good in bed?" Why is this women asking me so many questions? Oh! This is Genevieve, Vito's wife.

"He's a great guy?" She raised a brow at me.

"Was that a question? Well anyway! We are going to be the best of friends. Me and Vito come to America all the time and we mostly spend that time Dante! I'm so happy he's finally settling down. I personally didn't like all those whores he would have on his arm-

- Do you ever breath?" I said and she stopped then laughed.

"Oh you're so funny! This friendship is already off to a good start!" Why did Dante leave me with Vito's crazy talkative wife? But speaking of Vito! Now that is one FINE ass man!

"Haha...well I already have a best friend so."

"Well she'll love me! Everyone does!" I want what ever drugs she is taking. No one is this happy. Like NO ONE.

"Sure... well I think the food is done now?" I said while setting the table.

"Oh yes! I'll go get out men! Be right back!" She said singing.

"Okay!" I said with a fake smile. Now this women is driving me crazy! I shake my head and start putting food one plates. I might have given myself the most food but no one is gonna notice.

"Aw thank you for putting all the food on table! I should've since this is our home! Go on sit!" Genevieve said while pushing me to my seat right next the Dante. He smiled and pulled my chair out. I mumbled a quick thanks and sat down.

"Ah I know I've said this already but it is a pleasure to meet you Carney." Vito said.

"Thank you Vito. I'm really happy to see that Dante can actually have friends." They all laughed.

"My dear friend can become buried in his work. But I'm happy to see he took enough time off to meet you and to soon marry you." Okay, seriously. How is this man Dante's friends. They are complete opposites.

"You are too kind Vito." Dante said with a genuine smile.

"Now! Let us eat!" Genevieve said. I hope we eat and then leave because this women is driving me crazy.


"I've never been so happy to come back here!" I said as I took my heels off and tossed them on the floor.

"Why are you sighing?"

"Genevieve talked my head off!" I laid down on the bed ready to sleep. But Dante pulled me out of the bed.

"Change out of  those clothes." He said then walked in the bathroom.

"Like I have to listen to you!" I mumble to my self walking into the bathroom then the closet. When I did Dante was butt ass naked.

My dumb ass screamed.

"What the fuck petardo!?" He yelled then took a step closer to me. And it moved. I think I'm gonna puke! It looks so fucking angry!?

"Back the hell up! Where are your clothes!?" Yeah I'm gonna puke.

"I'm in my FUCKING CLOSET!" Oh yeah... Dante pulled some sweat pants on and shook his head.



Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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