Chapter 2

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 Was-sup niggas and niggests my name Tyreke Santiago. I am 6'3, brown skin with black hair and brown eyes. I got a few tattoos. MY crew is LJ his real name is Larry and Bookie but his real name is Brian they been my main's since elementary school . I'm 18 well going on 18 Next month but anyways my grandma raised me, my mom and dad gave me to her when I was born and I haven't seen them ever not even once. I am about to own my grandfathers Hotel when I turn 18 but until then I makes money by doing the street thing, I rap from time to time I make some little money doing that too but my passion is basketball I love basketball,I have been playing basketball since I was eight years old and since then I've been the basketball star one my school basketball team and other previous old teams so you already know I got haters. I was skipping second period walking around I bumped into someone I looked down she was thick as hell and short I love that type of female but I already know people will see her as fat because she has alot of stomach but it's cool. She was staring at me and I waved my hand in her face we had a small conversation. Man shorty got cake for day's, she gave me her name and it was a very cute different name. When she walked away I tried to call her back but she ignored me, I shook my head and walked out of school to the student parking lot. LJ and Bookie was at they car's.

LJ-" What took you so long"

Ty-"dang bro don't worry about it"

Bookie-" probably getting some head from Red"

TY-"Nah I was talking to the new girl"

LJ-" is she cute"

Ty-" you know I ain't messing with no ugly female"

Even though I don't consider anybody ugly. But I call people ugly I know it doesn't make any sense but oh well.

LJ-" but you messed with red" 


TY-"what ever man let's hurry up before it's time to go to lunch"

we got in LJ car.

**10 Mins** 

 We got finished smoking. I don't smoke often just once every blue moon because I don't want it to mess with my health. I looked at the time and it was lunch time, I got out the car

LJ-"I'm hungry let's got to the cafeteria"

Ty-" ight" 

We went to the cafeteria I spotted Amara sitting by herself I was just staring at her. 

Bookie-" What you staring at Ty" 

TY-OH nothing"

LJ-" let me find out you like the new girl"

He gave me the side eye.


I don't know if I like her or not but if I did 9 times out of 10 I wouldn't tell LJ nor Bookie because they are so judgmental about big people for some reason as if they aren't human they have the same bones same skin. We all sat in our usual spot with the Athlete's, LJ and Bookie are also basketball player's. Bookie had three plates of food

TY-"man do you eat at home?"

Bookie-"yeah but this is much better"

Bookie mom can cook but she can't cook do you understand me? I was on my phone eating my fries but also trying to look at Amara she caught me looking at her and she rolled her eye's. She was talking to Lyric, Lyric and I used to mess around but I cut her off. I seen Amara get up and go in the direction of the bathroom

LJ-"what you staring at this time"

Ty-"oh nothing just looking around"

Bookie-" man quit lying someone caught your eye"

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