0- Meet The Stars [Prologue]

Start from the beginning

“Loving the new haircut,” I complimented without realizing I said it out loud.

“How is it that Harry is still the only one who notices these things? Thank you, sweetie.”

“Faggot!” Louis coughed out and I felt my cheeks blush a little.

“Louis!” Zayn warned him again.

“Ok, but this meeting wasn’t just about congratulating you for all the great work,” she started and we all knew what the look on her face meant. Bad news.

“No! We agreed that after America we were going to have a whole month to ourselves,” Liam spoke and we all turned around to look at him, it was shocking to see someone else than me contradicting Olivia. “I already got tickets for this thing and I can’t cancel,” he excused himself softening his tone completely.

“Can you at least let me finish before you start complaining?” She took a piece of blue paper from her purse and wrote something down, she folded it and handled it to Liam first. “Pass it around,” she demanded.

I saw the way Liam’s eyes narrowed at what he saw, “What the actual heck?” he whispered yelled and I could smell curiosity taking over the whole room.

“Gimme that,” Louis yelled grabbing the piece of paper from his hands, “Whaaaaat?” he exclaimed, “Explain it already, I can’t handle this anymore.”

I couldn’t wait for my turn; I needed to know what was causing such reactions and the way Olivia was smirking at us made me feel a bit worried.

“Oh my God,” was everything Zayn could say and coming from him, it was huge.

I finally grabbed the paper and took a quick look, my eyes widened at the amount of zeros I saw, “What is this?”

Olivia took a pause and then continued, “It’s an offer from Mr. Robert Horan-”

“What are we man whores now?” Louis interrupted again and we all decided to ignore him.

“Let me correct the tittle, President Horan,” another pause to let us digest the new information, “The Argentinian President.”

“I don’t like this,” I mumbled almost immediately. The boys gave me a confused look and I took a deep breath to start exposing my point, “He is a president, where does that money comes from?”

“Harry is right, this doesn’t sound good,” Zayn joined me.

“I have done my homework,” she turned around to grab a black folder, “The man is an heir. His family owns half of the lands of his country and does the name Astiana ring a bell to you?”

“Astiana? As in the cars?” asked Liam excited.

“Exactly, the man owns sixty percent of the company. His money is clean, believe me,” she walked around us waiting for someone to interrupt her again.

“Whatever it is, I’d do it for one of those cars,” Zayn giggled to Liam, who nodded in agreement.

“You can buy more than just a car with that kind of money,” I retorted quickly regretting my comment.

“How are we supposed to split this?” Liam was obviously interested, which made me want to puke.

“Oh, no, no, no, boys. My mistake, you are not splitting anything,” she took a pause again, enjoying our expressions, “Each of you is getting that figure,” she grinned and we all stayed quiet, still incredulous.

“What are we even supposed to do?”

“All you have to do is get on a private jet, that has landed in London this morning. It will take you straight to the President’s house in Buenos Aires and you will have to share one lunch with his family, that’s all.”

“Is the man a directioner or something?” 

“No, his twins are. Niall and Hannah, they are fifteen years old-”

“Niall sounds like a boy’s name,” Louis interrupted her, again.

“It is, he is a boy and Hannah is a girl. The family is grieving the loss of the first lady, she passed away a month ago and maybe their father wants them to have a nice day, which they probably hadn’t had for a long while,” I knew Olivia well enough to notice the way her features were strangely soften. And I didn’t know why yet, but it seemed as she cared for these kids.

“I’m still not sure about this,” I said even if I felt sorry for their loss.

“Two days, boys. You will have lunch, hang out with the family for a while and then you will come back, you don’t even have to spend the night there,” she explained and I could tell her convincing tone was working perfectly with the boys.

“Do we have to sing?” I remember someone asking.

“No, you don’t have to. Harry, listen. I know you might be a bit concerned but the president is clean. After two runs at the presidency, he is heading to his second reelection. The man is a socialist and the people from his country love him, which has to mean something. I did a lot of research, you know I wouldn’t send you to do something like this if I weren’t sure.”

“That’s it, he is doing it as a part of his campaign,” Louis made his first reasonable comment of the day.

“No, the only condition is that it has to be kept away from the media,” she reassured, “No tweets, no photos, nothing goes public.”

We all sighed and looked at each other, trying to figure out what to do. I had a weird feeling about the whole situation and I didn’t know why, but I was actually considering it.

“Are we supposed to learn spanish now?” Louis broke the silence and, as always, I was the only one to laugh. “Cause my spanish is not so lindo,” he said blinking an eye to me.

Lindo means pretty, bueno is the word you are looking for,” said Zayn grinning proudly.

“Whatever, Juan Valdez.”

“Anyways,” Olivia spoke putting an end to the random talk, “Are we all on board here? I think we should vote, Zayn?”

“I’m in,” I rolled my eyes at his answer cause I was hoping he would be the one to say no.


“I’m in but once we come back, I’m not doing anything related to this band. I need a break for, at least, two months. We all do,” he said and he was right.


“Guess money can buy happiness after all, I’m also in.”

“Seriously, Louis? Their mother has just died so believe me, meeting you is not even close to happiness for those kids. Don’t flatter yourself that much,” harsh Olivia came back and you should know that she was the only person on earth who could leave Louis without words to answer back. He looked at me a little ashamed and I shook my head to make him feel better. We all knew what it felt to get a lecture from her and it wasn’t pretty.

“That leaves you, Harry. What do you say?”

I wonder what my decision would have been if I knew all the things that I know now. If I knew about all the tears, all the pain and all the death that our forbidden love would eventually cause.

But who am I kidding? I know it may come out as a selfish thought but the answer to that question was and always will be yes, absolutely yes.

Cause I remember those breathtaking blue eyes, I remember that I kissed his lips, that I touched his skin and I remember that one night, when I finally made him mine.

And I wouldn’t give any of that up cause no matter what the odds were, our bond will forever last.


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