Chapter 41: Clues After Clues

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"So, he said he was after his child?" Sophie's eyes widened as soon as I spilled everything. We were strolling in the City Centre after school to find more time to discuss about my plan with Cornelius.

I nodded. "He was certain she was still alive. Though I'm sure she would be very, very old now."

Sophie clutched her schoolbag and fidgeted the straps. "I've encountered a couple of cases where ghosts wanted to be reunited with their loved ones, but these ghosts were not a century-old. Meaning, their relatives were still direct hence it was easier to find." she grunted. "But we're talking about a case that lasted for almost a century, with lack of resources. It'll be a tough one to crack."

"I know, Soph." I winced. "But I'm willing to do anything, anything to save him–"

"Yeah, I know." Sophie held her hands up. I could actually hear her rolling her eyes at my despair.

But then, another possibility crossed my mind that I couldn't help doing the math involving the year of Cornelius' death and that of his daughter's birth. "Hold on. Does it really have to be his daughter? I mean, what if she's...passed too?" I muttered. "Is there a case where a ghost's unfinished business is never solved? As in that business itself is gone for good from the earth?"

"In the case the business has also passed, the ghost's business is deemed solved, and they would've crossed over and reunited in the afterlife." Sophie shrugged. "So if this daughter of his is not around anymore, Cornelius wouldn't be left with anything else on Earth, which isn't the case now."

"In short, she has to be alive. In order for Cornelius to exist as a ghost, his daughter needs to also exist on earth." I concluded, knowing it was a tough concept to comprehend.


"No wonder, he was certain when he said that she's still alive. It's his instinct." I muttered, darting my gaze blankly towards the old, brown brick buildings lining up against each side of the main street in another uncertainty.

"So, it's a she, eh?" Sophie broke my daytime musing.

"Some fatherly Instinct." I sniffed.

"Have you got any lead?"

I shrugged. "Maybe we can call an operator and ask about that."

"It's a long shot. Maybe you can ask your housekeeper."

"I don't think she could cooperate." I bit my lips. My gaze followed down the cobblestoned road where the sight of it reminded me of an early morning walk I had long before. "But I might just have a better idea."

* * *

We headed down the path on way back to my road until we bumped into Geddes Road. I still recognised his house even at daytime. A familiar wrinkly face greeted us from behind the door.

"Ah, there ye are again, lass." the old husky voice greeted me at the door. "And oh you bring a company."

I quickly introduced Sophie to Ralph and hoped he could sense the urgency from tones.

"It's been a while, lassie. Come on in." Ralph muttered.

"Actually, we'd like to talk to you about something...important." I began. I thought it'd be a great idea to dig out information from someone who had yet to know what really went on between me and the legendary Haywood son. Diane and I hadn't been in good terms ever since she suggested a cleansing to my mum. I needed a neutral party involved.

The old man frowned for a sec but his wrinkles loosened afterwards. Sophie and I dropped our bags to the floor and got ourselves seated while Ralph were placing two cups of tea at the coffee table.

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