ch. 10

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There she stood, a beautiful woman in her early twenties, maybe thirties. She looked out over a large terrace watching the stars. From behind a small child ran out of the room behind her. Camile stood over to the side, seeing the child she winced, something was familiar about her. Suddenly four boys ran out from the room as well. They were older, but not by much.

The woman turned and leaned down to look at the children, the little girl raised her arms and as if on cue, the woman picked her up. The little girl nuzzled her face into the woman's neck and smooth hair. "What is the meaning of this? Boys? Are you picking on your little sister again?" She asked. "We were only playing magitag." The oldest one replied. "You know why we don't play that game. It's unfair to play with Cammie." Camile looked at her hands then to the little girl. Is that, me? She thought. "But mom..." He was cut off by the crashing of glass. The woman looked beyond her sons and let the little girl on the ground. "Cody, take your brothers and Cammie to safety, stay there until I signal. Understand?" She asked panic threatening her voice. He nodded.

Suddenly the large glass window behind the woman crashed and glass flew everywhere around them. Cody and one of the others grabbed Cammie by the arms and in an eruption of light they flew to the skies. The bulkier one was sitting on a magic leaf cradling the frightened child in his arms. "Alex!" She yelped pointing upward. He followed her gaze and saw a dark man, his eyes blood red his sword stained with the blood of the innocent. Fangs crept out of his mouth; he bent his head back and laughed a stomach churning laugh.

Camile hovered in the air next to the group of terrified children. Her gaze locked on the man. She clenched her fists tight causing her jaw to tighten. "Gamma!" a low voice rang against the darkness. Suddenly a tall man flew upward, the woman in tow. "Leave our children alone!" He yelled venom piercing his voice. "And why should I do that?" The dark man smirked. The woman and the man took their battle stances, Cody and the others holding onto their baby sister protecting her from their attacker. They looked from their parents to the man then back again.

Camile looked at her parents. "Is this my real family? Who is this man? And what did he want from us?" Her voice rang out against the silence, but it was as if no one even heard it. Out of nowhere something dove down and seemingly grabbed something. The brothers parted looking after the mysterious force. "Cam!" They screamed in unison. The small girl was being held by her arm. She looked down with terrified eyes tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. Her parents looked up at the scared girl. Her mother gasped and looked at her husband. His crown shimmered in the light of the full moon. He looked down at his sons, then back to his wife. "It's time." He murmured. Her eyes darted from him to her sons then to her daughter. She nodded. The boys looked at each other with grieving eyes; they searched their parent's eyes trying to find the answers to their questions. What frightened them the most was the tear that rolled sown their mothers face. She looked over to the boys with great sadness. Then she and her husband looked at each other and nodded in their sons' direction.

They sent a telepathic message. "Alpha-Omega formation, keep it tight. No matter what happens, we will be a family together we stand divided we fall." They said to the young boys. They nodded and looked up at their struggling sister. Cody teleported behind the man and grabbed Cammie. The dark man spun around. Alex stood in front of his older brother and his baby sister; he punched the man in the jaw sending him flying. Jeremy wrapped the man in tall ivy and Leon blew a strong gust of water toward him sending him smacking into the other attacker knocking each other out cold. Camile stood awestruck; she never knew her brothers protected her so. She suddenly snapped back to reality, wrenching herself from sleep. It was early morning, she thought of how Leo would already be up so she gazed upon her small feathered friends and set out for the turtle's lair.

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